Testimonials: Arts — Melissa Zollo Present Memory



Read the many ART success stories and rave reviews Rev. Melissa Zollo has received.


"Melissa Zollo speaks from knowledge gained through experience! Melissa was born to teach. Her ability to help; to encourage; to stimulate reaches out to those who hear her words. She is a powerful speaker with a powerful message everyone should hear.The Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program is a clear and concise message for those desiring to live a richer, fuller life. The program shows you how to rule your world and no longer be its slave. Learn how to practice this art form and you too will know that imagining creates reality."

Margaret Ruth Broome 
Author of "The Invisible You"

"It's not often that you meet an artist so clearheaded as to be able to persevere and grow while keeping her convictions and vision. Having worked with Melissa Zollo for many years, I've watched her realize her vision of bringing a new perspective on success and well-being to others, in order that they may grow themselves. And yet she maintains the vigor and clarity behind that vision despite all the trials and difficulties in realizing it. Melissa is the real thing. I strongly recommend that you take the opportunity to see her live in a seminar format and work with her CD's."

- Al Houghton
Producer /Owner Dubway Recording Studios NYC

Mr. Houghton has worked on more than a thousand projects. Dubway Clients include: "Footloose" Broadway cast, John Gordon (Suzanne Vega), Phil Grande (Joe Cocker), Steve Holly (Paul McCartney's Wings, Joe Cocker), Lorensa Maria Ponce (Sheryl Crow), Primary Stages Theatre Company, Phylicia Rashad (Cosby), Dave Rave & Lauren Agnelli (of the Washington Squares), Jai Rodriquez (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy), The Round Band (featuring rhythm section of Lisa Loeb), L. Shankar (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Peter Gabriel), Squeaky Clean (Rounder Records), TM Stevens (Joe Cocker, Pretenders) Trudy Styler (Sting), Sylvain Sylvain (NY Dolls), Warner/Chappell Music Publishing, Howie Wyeth (Bob Dylan), David Yazbek (The Full Monty), Suzanne Vega.

"As Melissa Zollo's recording engineer I have heard her speak about Spiritual Principles and Universal Laws of Success more than anybody, and I have got to say that my life keeps getting better. If you are feeling disconnected to your art, you have got to get the Power of Imagination and Melissa's Secrets on the Law of Vibration."

Jason Marcucci
Grammy nominated 2005 James Cotton Album
Dubway Studio Engineer
New York

"With Melissa Zollo's watchful eye I was able to articulate my goals and put them out into the universe. Now what I needed for so long is coming my way. Within the first two weeks of formulating my two new business images, I got results. Both produced clients and new income. Two months after that a $10,000 check arrived. It is with a full heart that I recommend Melissa Zollo, especially if you are in the Arts and searching for a way to survive.”

Anthony Santelmo

AEA, SAG Actor


"Melissa Zollo's Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation audio program is a revolutionary, important body of work to emerge in metaphysics in decades. It belongs in the hands of all thoughtful, progressive thinkers. If you have seen the movie "What the Bleep" and want to know "how to" gain mastery over previously overwhelming experiences, get the Present Memory Power program. It is the most powerful and integrative tool I have ever come across."

Betsey Beaven
The Politcal Palate
Second Seasonal Political Palate
The Perennial Political Palate

“I was introduced to Melissa Zollo's work two years ago, at a time when I was consumed by a poverty mentality--financially, creatively, and spiritually. The first thing I noticed while sitting and listening to her tape was that my hands had turned themselves palm upward of their own accord. I have come to see that moment as an "unconscious" gesture I had made to accept the abundant riches of the universe that I now know are available to all, if I would only let them in. Since that time I have gone straight for my dream of completing a book I have been trying to write for more than two decades. The right people and circumstances came into my life to make that possible--again, seemingly without the involvement of my conscious will. The simplicity of Melissa's program continues to amaze me, because at the same time it has a depth I don't understand but trust completely because of way it has changed my thinking about who I am, what I really desire, and how to achieve it.”

Catherine Revland, Freelance Writer

"Last June I attended the New Age Health Spa in order to participate in a Native American Sweat Lodge. I was stuck and frustrated about my financial situation and had decided to sweat it out, literally. The surprise of the weekend was anearthshaking 2 hour seminar with Melissa Zollo in the afternoon. Everything she said made perfect sense to me. I sat there like one of those dolls you see in the back of cars, with my head nodding constantly in agreement. I purchased her CD audio program "Discover the Imagination and Art of Intentional Creation" so I could continue with the concepts and skills which her seminar had outlined. After about a week at home, I decided to follow up with a private consultation.
Melissa is keenly perceptive and helps you get to the point without any excuses. She helped me focus and design a money blueprint with the exact amount of money I wished to attract. Her images were particularly potent for me because she used references to auditions, performance and rehearsals as a way of imaging. As a professional singer, they struck a chord deep within which helped to make these new images very real. I followed thru with daily sessions of imaging thru out the day. Within 9 months I manifested a greater amount than I had been imaging. I was able to completely erase all my debts, put money aside for investing, do some much needed work in my home and will be taking a long awaited trip abroad this summer. These were all part of the image which I had planted in my "womb of wonder". The greatest result of this Art of Intentional Creation has been that I have not had one single thought of lack in 6 months. A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders and my heart. I am now working on a new set of images with Melissa's help which are concerned with health and creativity. I breathe life into those images everyday and know they are already real. Present Memory and the Art of Intentional Creation is a way of approaching life which works. I highly recommend it."

Paula Liscio
Ms. Liscio is a professional singer who has performed for over 30 years as a soloist, cabaret singer and chorister with such companies as New York City Opera, Metropolitan Opera, Avery Fisher Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Carnegie Hall. She currently maintains a private voice studio in NYC along with her performance commitments.

"Present Memory is a major motivational force in the discovery of one’s self. Once in a while a body of work comes along created by someone who has the eloquence to present their ideas in such a way as to make an impression on the listener that actually produces a lasting effect on their life. The Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program is that body of work; Melissa Zollo is that person. Actually, I am not surprised as I have been impressed with Ms. Zollo for years now."

Michael Misita
Author of "How to Believe in Nothing and Set Yourself Free"

"There are a lot of programs on the market but I use and recommend the Present Memory Power of Imagination program. This program picks me up when my self talk is murky and before I know it I am back in the feeling of the outcome knowing that life is good. I now know that my future will be whatever I design it to be in the here and now. This program works!

Kathleen Deyo

“It is my great pleasure in expressing my gratitude for the work you have done with me. It is truly a life changing experience! A feeling of confidence, a feeling of understanding and a feeling of peace has come over me. As a professional musician confidence is of the utmost. Offers are coming in! I'm being called constantly to perform and "bagfuls of money are pouring in". I realize that as important as money is to me, the biggest change is in my Spiritual self. I feel completely grounded in who I AM. To be able to focus intently on who I AM brings about all things for my life and my work. My fingers now fly across the piano keys with an assuredness that I've never before experienced. New and better harmonies come forth on their own. I focus on the music that comes through me to be a blessing to others, and to be open to new musical experience as the creative opportunities keep coming! I AM so grateful to you, Melissa, for your assistance and for the work you are doing. The Present Memory Power of Imagination Audio Program is the best!

Ernestine Heard
Professional Pianist/ Concept Therapy Beamer
Chattanooga, Tennessee

"I was raised to understand and believe in the power of the mind, especially as it relates to my relationship with God. So when I discovered Melissa Zollo and PM programs, it was a natural fit. Its principles of imaging remind me to stay focused on my goals and dreams, while supplying my imagination with positive and powerful thoughts. Melissa shows us how to be in the moment, embrace the journey and expect to receive incredible results. I just booked a national TV commercial."

Melanie Noble, Actress
Hollywood, California

"The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a strong support system for the creative artist. It is essential in sustaining one's self-image while facing the challenges of the professional world."

Lynn Michaels
Founder of the Open Stage - 1954, St. Marks's Playhouse - 1957, and the Open Space Theater Exp. - 1971, New York

"The Present Memory audio program helped me go from waiting tables to working successfully, happily, and creatively on major motion picture film sets in a very short amount of time. In addition, they are helping me improve the quality of my life in every day activities."

C. Tambini
Assistant to the Production Designer
Steel Magnolia, Jackknife, Hello Again, The Secret Of My Success.

"After teaching acting for 15 years, I find two recurrent problems: getting actors to relax and keeping a positive attitude in the face of the realities of the show business. I finally found help for both of these problems -- in the PRESENT MEMORY audio program. They teach relaxation better than I ever did, and the visualization techniques help actors set personal goals and achieve them. These cassettes are really useful. Let me put it simply: If you’re involved in acting, get and use this program!"

Eric Booth, Acting Teacher

"The Present Memory audio program is a positive, creative and helpful tool in getting and keeping ones head together! As a musician, they have proven to be of excellent use in the areas of relaxation, imagination, and creativity. The techniques fostered in these tapes have definitely promoted my musical abilities, contacts and income."

Paul Salvo, Studio Musician
Horn Player with Iguana
Los Angeles

"You’re going along- everything is great, comfy, just the way you like it. Then, wham you get hit with a curve ball. Can you handle it? Instead of freaking out, want to make it the best "whammy" that ever happened to you? Then listen to these CD's! Listen carefully. Listen repeatedly. Your life will never be the same. It won’t anyway, so make it what you want it to be! Present Memory - the game plan for whatever situation you are in!"

Yvette Romero
Prentice Hall Press

"Melissa Zollo's Power of Imagination and Art of Intentional Creation 7 CD audio program is a vitally important body of work. It provides the key to success: the tools to apply the Laws of Attraction and the Healing Law of Imaging to all aspects of your life. Finally! Help is here to create the life you say you really want!"

David Riklan
Founder www.SelfGrowth.com 
Author - Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives

"Melissa Zollo has a way of focusing on what you are telling her that allows her probing mind to direct your own focus to the blind spot you could not see by yourself. She has a succinct way of explaining things that when combined with her ability to present the point she's trying to get you to see customized to your way of viewing things, always gets the point across in a way you can understand and act upon."

Johan Smith - Publisher
Canterbury House

Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.