Manifestation through

Image Re-patterning


IMAGE RE-PATTERNING: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Dream of Being

Manifestation and the Art of Image Re-patterning

Manifestation has its roots in Spirituality. Everything begins in the mind; by mastering the Art of Image Re-patterning, you consciously align with Imagination (not will power or 3D mentality) to turn your deepest desires into tangible outcomes.

What Is Image Re-patterning?

  • Image Re-patterning re-programs the subconscious mind.

  • Image Re-patterning is the harmonious interaction between the conscious and subconscious levels of mind intentionally directed with a specific purpose.

  • Image Re-patterning is your Key to Cultivate a Brand New Self-Image, Financial Image, Weight Image, Professional Image, and or a Relationship Image.

  • Image Re-patterning is a direct hotline to the Power that ACTS on images, thoughts, and feelings.

  • Image Re-patterning is the real secret to a life beyond negative imprints, emotional pain, limitation, and lack. It calls upon the Power Within to override the plague of negative imprints and effortlessly invites your desired reality to manifest.

Thought Creates Results.

In an Image Re-patterning session, you'll consciously direct your mental imagery, thoughts, and emotions to achieve success and fulfillment. (IT WORKS)

Wonders Happen When You Image Effectively

Real Stories. Real People. Real Image Re-patterning Results.

Dr. Michael DeMasi had been working with Dr. Melissa for several years on a range of topics and was always happy with her direction and ability to truly hear what he was saying. Dr. DeMasi had a health issue that top doctors could not help him with. Ultimately he asked if Image Re-patterning could help. He was amazed with the results.

"As a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing for over 17 years on a high level with some of the greatest healers on the planet I can say she is truly gifted. I recently had a health concern some of the best docs around could not heal [it] and within two [Image Re-patterning] sessions with Melissa I am back to myself. Thank you for everything."

– Dr. Michael DeMasi D.C. - DeMasi Chiropractic and Wellness

Wonders Happen When You Take Charge of Your Mindset and Image Effectively!

Your success in the physical world is tied directly to your ability to manage your mindset (beliefs). If your subconscious mind isn’t on board with new instructions, it's time to address "Wandering Mind Syndrome" and start manifesting with purpose.  

Tired of Doing the Same Thing in the Same Way and Getting the Same Results?

The programs running in your subconscious mind determine the results and outcomes of your life.

Are you stuck with outdated self-images and a Mindset full of lack, loss and limitation? It's time for a change.  

If you’re stuck or blocked by toxic beliefs, traumatic memory, fear, anger, resentment, sadness or self doubt, emotional blocks can result. These blocks act like hidden barriers keeping you locked into repetitive patterns.

  • If you’ve ever felt unable to break free from all the beliefs that instill doubt, fear, frustration and sadness into your mind, that’s your mindset.

  • If you succumb to the law of averages and doom and gloom over negative financial predictions, that’s your mindset.

  • If you’re suffering from low self-worth, physical, emotional, financial, or professional issues, that’s your mindset.

  • If you feel stuck in the same obsessive habits and patterns, unable to break through to the life you dream of, that’s your mindset.

  • If you long for but never quite enter into a higher emotional vibration, that’s your mindset.

If you’ve ever taken a manifestation course, read books on the Law of Attraction, repeated affirmations, meditated on vision boards, journaled, attempted to change a behavior, or hoped that things would fall into place, you’re not alone.

Why Manifestation hasn’t Worked for You… Yet!

Trying to change has nothing to do with your potential to manifest dreams. It’s got everything to do with your mindset / self-image. You see, much of your life has been shaped by limiting beliefs from family, friends, colleagues and organizations.

What is a Self-Image/Mindset?

Your self-image (mindset) is a combination of your energetic vibration and your physical body. It informs the world who you are, what you think of yourself, how you expect to be treated and what you expect to receive.

Most people wait for a crisis, challenge or trauma to make a change.

Why Wait?

Start Manifesting the Life You Deserve with Image Re-Patterning

Image Re-patterning Rewires your Brain making it easier to:

  • Attract possibilities and opportunities effortlessly

  • Quiet the monkey chatter noise of self-doubt and fear

  • Develop concentration, the winner’s companion

  • Focus on the fulfillment of your dreams

Yes You Can!

  • You can intentionally create new patterns and habits and attract success, loving relationships, healing solutions, and abundance, starting now.

  • You can clear the blocked energy that’s causing disharmony in your life and take inspired action towards your dreams with ease.

  • You can awaken your creative power, tap into new possibilities and go through life more consciously.

Let me ask you:

  • Are you ready to move beyond the mother wound, the father wound, and clear unresolved emotion on lingering self-defeating beliefs?

  • Are you willing to make a different choice, create a new reality and become the patternmaker of your life?

The Winner’s Companion: Image Re-patterning Sessions with Dr. Melissa

  • Image Re-patterning sessions with Dr. Melissa focus on re-patterning your mindset, releasing your manifestation potential, and uplifting your emotional frequency. She helps you to:

  • Clarify Your Dream - Get crystal clear on what you want.

  • Align your intentions with the Prime Mover of the Universe

  • Transform Your Self-Talk - Replace toxic patterns with empowering beliefs.

  • Imagine with Power and Purpose - Feel your dreams as if they’ve already come true.

  • Break Free from Lack and Mind Limits - Eradicate the subconscious barriers keeping you stuck.

  • Take Inspired Action - Act with confidence and courage.

  • Trust the Process - Let go. Get off the “ways and means committee” and allow your dreams to unfold naturally.

    Manifesting Your Dream Is Totally Possible!

What if you could could stop wishing about the life you want … and start living it?

Too many people focus their energy into wishing and hoping for change — only to find themselves stuck or stalled at the starting gate. Or else they’re successful by default. Their life is filled with all kinds of unpleasantness.

Are you one of them?

The Secret of Success in Life: Manifestation begins with the right mindset.

The soul loves truth.

In order to express yourself at your highest level, lead a full, rich, happy, triumphant life and contribute your talents to the world you need a new approach to life and the right mindset.

Distraction is the losers companion. Success begins by acknowledging where you are stalled on the runway of life and knowing what you want.

 “I came to Melissa with very specific problems, ones I had been trying to solve for years, including self-sabotage and mental and emotion "addictions" that I resisted releasing. These "programs" ran my life. They had served me as a child when I was small and helpless but were stopping me from getting the things I want now, as an adult.

One of those programs was that I had no control over my own thoughts and ideas because of a strong, authoritative parent. I'd been running my life based on her concept of how the world worked, believing sub-consciously that I had to follow her rules to be loved. Intellectually, I thought I was in charge but, with Melissa's help, I realized that I was so closely connected to that "mother-image" through flawed, inherited beliefs that I had been sabotaging my own health in response to my mother's ideas.

 Melissa's patience and understanding have been amazing as she has helped me to focus on health and release those old concepts that hold me back. Through clearing the discordant energy and replacing it with a new image and vibration, Melissa helped me deal with a positive Covid-19 test result. By changing my fear vibration to one of health, I created a new health program that allowed me to receive a clean bill of health from my medical doctor in just a few days.

We made the "impossible" possible by my new understanding of the manifestation process, image re-patterning, how to apply Universal Laws to my life and by consciously using the Power of Imagination in regards to an existing diagnosis.

 Melissa has helped me to work through the resistance I had against changing those old programs and the need to give up the self-hate and anger that possessed me for not being "good enough" to please my mother.

She helped me to discover that the intellectual information I'd been gathering for most of my life was not enough to create the deep, long-lasting changes I wanted. 

Sometimes it's been hard to face myself, to love the person I am, but Melissa has guided me to refocus my health belief system, something I've been sabotaging. She has helped me to recognize and understand that I CAN change the programs that used to own me and to create a new image of who I am now, in the present moment.

 I recommend Melissa and her ground-breaking techniques. She has changed my life.”

 Sally H.

SEG, teacher and book editor, Lousisiana

The Challenge of Habits

Habit and automatic routines can either propel you toward the fulfillment of your dreams or quietly pull you off course.

Did you know that over 95% of who you are is controlled by a memorized set of unconscious habits, hard wired beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, feelings and behaviors that function like a computer program in the depths of your subconscious mind.

  • All of your thoughts, feelings, actions and behavior are always consistent with your self-image. This includes memory programs of rejection, abuse, poverty, failure, loss, isolation, and betrayal patterns and habits. These habit routines become subconscious programs causing energy disruption in the body, leaving you under the control of inherited or acquired imprints.

  • The unnecessary repetition of memory programs become self-fulfilling prophecies waiting to be projected into your future!

Image Re-patterning: Building on Strength

Image-Repatterning sessions tap into the Healer Within, the Infinite Intelligence that gives you the power to overcome all obstacles, fuels strength and attract endless supply through Thought-Images!

  • Image Re-patterning breathes the breath of Life into your subconscious mind.

  • Image Re-patterning takes you from resistance into emotional resilience up the Cosmic Path to happiness, harmony, wealth, success and spiritual growth.

Let me ask you

  • Would you like to have a better self-image, freedom from unconscious programs, freedom from toxic beliefs, freedom from lack, freedom from fear, anxiety, self-doubt, freedom from anger, frustration, freedom from guilt or low self-worth?

  • Do you want to experience better health, mental clarity, harmonious relationships, prosperity, a high level of energy and a feeling that you are becoming everything that you are capable of becoming?

The Answer Exists Now: Image First

Good News: Your Self-Image Can Be Changed!

You can re-pattern your health image, your wealth image, your success image, your relationship image and assist in de-hypnotizing yourself from false beliefs — and manifest your dreams!

Image Re-patterning: A Past Without Regret

What Can Image Re-patterning Do?

  • Image Re-patterning allows you to turn the key to living a better life.

  • Image Re-patterning allows you to take back your power, and step beyond the mother/father wounds and victim mindset.

  • Image Re-patterning removes emotional scars and flawed thought-forms in your energy field.

  • Image Re-patterning begins to release what is of no value in Consciousness and replace it with what is right. It changes your life, turns dreams into reality and opens the door to fulfilling your Divine Plan.

  • Image Re-patterning frees you from regretting a choice you made or agonizing over something that happened in your past.

Let’s be real. Who hasn’t at one time or another agonized over someone or something that happened in our past? “If only I didn’t do it that way, if only it hadn’t ended that way, if only I acted differently and made a better choice, if only it never happened”, are comments we’ve all probably thought or said at some point.

Laboring Under Labels? Overwhelmed by Visitations from the Past?

We live in a culture that uses labels and opinion as a means of structuring the world and the diversity of people living in it.

Did You Know?

Image Re-patterning can transform haunting memories, bring actual healing, and open up the way forward.

“Internally create a pattern of self-worth, feel it to be true, and you will dissolve the need to delay your good.”

– Melissa Zollo Ph.D

Image Re-patterning is not complicated.

You simply:

  • Acknowledge your power

  • Release the pattern in consciousness that is creating the undesirable condition

  • Re-pattern Images

  • Revise Beliefs and rewrite perception

  • Align feelings

  • Allow dreams to emerge as a new reality into experience 

It is very simple in theory but if someone or something triggers you, or sets you off, and you just cannot shift your thoughts, despite all of your positive affirmations, self-help books, meditation and prayers, then you know how challenging it is to focus when unprocessed emotion or some old mental “picture” has been stimulated into vibration by the environment.


At an unconscious level we are still resonating with the past

  • Image Re-patterning can assist you in changing your resonance with past images, memories, thoughts and feelings until you cease reacting from old patterns of belief, emotions and behavior.

Forget for a Moment How the Material World Labels and Measures your Worth.

You See:

You are a Spiritual Being, an Energy flowing being, the pattern maker of your life and the director of your energy that is being broadcast out into the Universe.

  • You are a choice-maker, the dreamer and dream maker of your life.

  • Your mental blueprints (images) determine your behavior and the results you attract in life. They set the boundary for what you can and cannot accept.

  • You have the potential to generate new ideas from your Higher Mind, the Realm of the Wondrous, flow your energy in new directions, jumpstart regeneration and align with the Cosmic Energizer that flows through all forms.

  • Infinite Intelligence within you is your Eternal Field of right knowing. Rather than diminish the Power that knows neither good nor bad and placate any hidden, repressed feelings why not deal-feel-heal your  wounded self,  as your thinking is the deciding factor in what manifests for you.

  • Image Re-patterning is a fulfilling process that allows you to grasp new and better images and ideas.

  • Your 'inner body' exists in its own higher realm, as real in your subjective experience as your physical body is in the world of external realities. You are here to express the fullness of life in every way.

  • The Infinite Intelligence within your subjective depths can do for you only what it can do through you.  Thoughts are creative. What you deeply feel will come to pass.

If you want to change an actual belief structure, respond with clear, focused attention to your deepest desires, and mobilize your inner resources for creative change, you will find the "how to" in an Image Re-patterning session with Dr. Melissa

What Would You Dare to Imagine if You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Imagine waking up revitalized, knowing your body-mind-soul is functioning at its absolute best.

It’s Possible and Proven

  • An Image Repatterning session allows you to shatter limitations, build a new self-image on a foundation for steady growth, and move toward the highest expression of your potential.

  • An Image Repatterning session is a powerful way to clear Energy interferences, break “fixation spells”, limiting habits, clear emotional debris, and evolve your energy field.

  • An Image Repatterning session is a non-medical approach designed to promote stress reduction, self-healing, pain relief, solutions, overall resilience and most of all, help you activate your imagination to turn dreams into reality.

  • An Image Re-patterning session works with a purpose. It finds solutions to complex challenges and begins the process of neutralizing warring beliefs housed within the depths of your own subconscious.

  • An Image Re-patterning session frees you from bowing before the dictate of yesterday's labels, regrets and facts.

  • An Image Re-patterning session is the first step in impressing your subjective mind with a new self-image, wealth image, success image, relationship image, or health image. It lifts you off the runway of life and sets you on the road to leading a full, happy, joyous, and wonderful life that includes everything you need: money, friends, a lovely home, companionship, and all the blessings of life.

Spiritual Perception Works with Infinite Intelligence. It Sets New Self-images into Motion via Vibrational Harmony and the Laws of Life.

Whether it's money, relationships, constant fatigue, sleep problems, brain fog, or excess weight you can't shake off, it can be frustrating to be repeatedly prescribed Band-Aid potions and rituals that do not address the core of the issue. The Cause and the Solution lies in your Consciousness and self-image!

What Can Image Re-patterning Help With?

Your images, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create energetic patterns that shape your reality. An Image Re-patterning session helps to:

  • Identify and address these patterns.

  • Replace negative patterns with harmonious ones.

  • Transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones.

  • Align with your desired future.

  • Work directly within the Realm of the Wondrous – Divine Presence.

Each Image Re-patterning Session with Dr. Melissa Helps You To:

  • Tap into your Creative Center

  • Awaken. Realize that nothing happens by chance

  • Acquire a greater realization of your own Divine Nature

  • Understand that Causation is Spirit in Action

  • Break free from limiting beliefs.

  • Interrupt negative thought patterns.

  • Heal past emotional wounds.

  • Align with your authentic self.

  • Manifest your dreams.

  • Align yourself with Divine Presence

Benefits of Image Re-patterning

Image Re-patterning can lead to:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety.

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence.

  • Enhanced emotional well-being.

  • Greater resilience and energy healing

  • Increased creativity and manifestation power.

  • Live in present moment awareness

  • Imaginate and understand that imaging creates reality

  • Higher self-esteem

Ready to Step Forward in Your Life?

Begin now with an Image Re-patterning Session.

Already scheduled your session?  Click here to make payment.


Everything in existence, including thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies, is made up of energy. Spiritual healing, or energy healing, works with these energy patterns to promote healing and growth.

Ancient Wisdom teaches us that we are all interconnected. This means that we can access and work with your energy field from anywhere in the world.

During a remote healing session, I act as a guide. I connect with your energy to gain insights, validate your experiences, and provide guidance. The focus is on your personal growth, health, healing and conscious evolution.

My clients find remote sessions to be convenient and effective.

To read more about how Melissa has changed people’s lives through her unique techniques, check out her reviews and testimonials, or if you would like to speak to Melissa Zollo about how Image Repatterning could help you, please get in touch today.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.



"I didn't know what to expect, beyond an array of captivating sounds to experience. I arrived at Ms.Zollo's studio for my session. I had spoken prior with Ms.Zollo about some goals that I had, in general, and for the session, But on arrival, I noticed that I was disturbed and distracted by an experience that had just come up. My stress level was quite high: about a 9. Normally, I wouldn't be so bold as to introduce or even notice the uncomfortable feeling that I had. But somehow I felt comfortable in mentioning this to Ms. Zollo and the session became about 'clearing' the recent experience. I found this to be exactly the kind of healthy flexibility to change directions that a truly dedicated healer or facilitator uses! Ms. Zollo's perception of where I was when I arrived was spot on! She explained exactly why and what she was doing at every stage, with different sounds and directions and insights. She was clearing and focusing and energizing my energy balance, it seemed, and what an incredible difference, when it was over! I could clearly see the situation for what it actually was, and I felt safe and 'whole' and that I had my own power back and could release the "story" line of distress. It was a major shift in my mood, my focus and seemed to release a great, connected energy force in me which had a positive effect on all my endeavors. I left the session feeling focused, empowered, energized, calm, yet excited and full of zest for living!"

Eve Zanni - Vocal Artist, Composer, Author, Educator - Westbeth Center for the Arts, New York, New York

"I would like to take the opportunity to highly recommend Melissa, if you feel any inclination towards using her services do not hesitate, JUST DO IT. I have been working with Melissa for several years now on a range of topics and have always been happy with her direction and ability to hear truly what I have been saying. As a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing for over 17 years on a high level with some of the greatest healers on the planet I can say she is truly gifted. I recently had a health concern some of the best docs around could not heal and within two sessions with Melissa I am back to myself. Thank you for everything."

Dr. Michael DeMasi D.C. - DeMasi Chiropractic and Wellness, Pittsburgh, PA

"I first heard Melissa Zollo speak at the Hilton Hotel in New York City. Since then, I've taken several teleseminars and learned about The Imaginal Dynamic and the Power of Imagination. I was skeptical to say the least. Then it happened -- my family was challenged. At the age of 61, my mother became very ill. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons's, Dimentia, Alzheimer's, and severe depression. In one year she was hospitalized three times, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. The top hospitals in New York City could not help her. The doctors gave up on my mother and my family. We were told to accept her condition, and place her in a home. We did not know where or who else to turn to. Something within me made me contact Ms. Zollo for a consultation. Melissa Zollo was the only person who saw the light at the end of the tunnel. My consultation led to a consult between Melissa and my mother. What's amazing about this is that my mother had lost the desire to speak. However, that did not distract Melissa's focus or belief in the imaging process and so my family agreed. When the consult was over, Melissa simply said. 'The image is in. Now focus on the result and live as if the impossible was made possible in your life.' I wanted to know how it would happen but Melissa explained that it wasn't my job to determine the ways and the means. Within 4 months my mother began to improve. Her desire to speak came back. She lost weight. She had a limited memory of being ill. Now exactly one year later, I am thrilled to say that my mother is currently enjoying her grandchildren and traveling the world. Melissa Zollo taught me how to rise above a medical diagnosis, trust an image, keep going in the face of adversity, and believe in the Healer Within and most of all myself. To create the life you want, I highly recommend Melissa Zollo and the Present Memory programs. If you follow her instructions you will live your dream.

Marisa Rizzo - CPA, Staten Island, NY

"Melissa's approach to imaging your goals is intensely practical, yet spiritual in a non-sectarian way. Her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a bracing eye-opener into a new world of thought. I wholeheartedly recommend her. Whether you are reeling from a major crisis or merely fine-tuning a satisfying life, Melissa's workshop on imaging will deliver new insights and tools to make your world better."

Roland Gubisch/ Chief Engineer, EMC/Telecom/ Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc./Boxborough, MA /Northwestern Univ., BSEE./ Cambridge University (England), PhD. Physiol.

"Melissa Zollo is a major motivational force in the discovery of one's self. Once in a great a body of work comes along created by someone who has the eloquence to present their ideas in such a way as to make an impression on the listener that actually produces a lasting effect on their life. Present Memory is that body of work; Melissa Zollo is that person. Actually I’m not surprised as I’ve been impressed by Miss Zollo for many years now”.

Michael Misita - President, L.F.I.T.V. Productions, Los Angeles CA

"Melissa Zollo, author of the Present Memory audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" has created an important body of work. Ms Zollo understands the essence of Einstein and explains the phenomena of creation. Essential and invaluable to scientists and recommended to metaphysicians! Melissa Zollo has the tools to truly help mankind!”

John K. - Boston University, B.S. Biology/Bowling Green State University, M.A. Chemistry Northeastern University, Med

"Imagist, Melissa Zollo helps us create a blueprint to unite the logic of the mind and the poetic consciousness of the spirit, in the move toward the positive rhythms in this dance of life. Widowed years ago, I spent much time living in the past and questioning "why go further" when it all ends. Melissa's guidance for living in the present moment opened the door to seeing opportunities and to feeling happier with a wonderful man who is now my husband. I highly recommend Melissa's Dream Your Relationship into Being workshop and her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program, whether you are seeking a more satisfying relationship and or a more profitable life. I cannot praise Melissa Zollo and her seminars and audio programs enough."

Diane H. J - Mathematics teacher (recently retired) UCLA, BA Math. University of Southern California (USC), MS (Math. Ed.)

"Melissa Zollo and her Present Memory audio programs show you how to rule your world and no longer be its slave."

Margaret Ruth Broome - Editor of Neville Goddard’s The Immortal You and author of The Invisible You

"Within the last two years of using Melissa Zollo's tools I have tripled my income."

Tom D - President 3 D Illustrations, NJ

“After using Melissa Zollo's "Power" program for a few weeks I brought a major account into my bank which resulted in taking the baseline deposit of the bank from 11 million dollars to 26 million dollars.”

Barbara C. - Banker, Westport, CT

"Melissa helped me to focus on my future when people around me felt that I had none. Today I am back at work and this summer I'll be playing handball again. Mz Zollo is a miracle drug for cancer patients."

Lenny Baron, New York

“My dream to receive a million dollar research fund has come true! Melissa Zollo's work is producing profound results in all aspects of my life!"

Professor Deborah Nightingale - Dept of Aeronautics and Engineering Systems Division Director, Lean Aerospace Initiative, MIT Boston, MA

"Recently I consulted Melissa Zollo the day before I was planning a chancy operation at Sloan Kettering. I was full of fear and apprehension but I pledged myself to face the doctors decision and do the medically recommended procedure. Melissa listened to me empathetically but insisted I drop the acquiescent role and bring my own constitution into harmony with a positive outcome. Instead of cowering Melissa urged me to turn to and believe in the Power of Healing from within. I told myself "I am healing myself. Every cell of my body is vibrant and alive with health". This helped me increase my purpose enormously. Melissa, in her treatment sessions, catches every tendency to allow doubt and fear to color one's objective. She insists that one expect a great outcome from the session and induces her client to mentally and emotionally focus on a healthful outcome. Melissa is a no nonsense guide helping her client to conceive of a challenge in a constructive way so that all thoughts and desires must contribute toward a positive outcome of what the client wants to achieve."

Maggie O. - Westport, CT

“Melissa Zollo's consultation with me got me on the fast track and the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program helped me tremendously before my open heart surgery. I stayed in a better place with myself as a result of speaking with her. The biggest impact from using the program before surgery was that I never got nervous the whole time before my surgery. I went into a quiet space and stayed there. I felt very confident. This was very helpful to me in dealing with my healing process. I can honestly say that I feel no pain and i am doing well.”

Joe S. - Longshoreman, Niantic, CT

"I had 2 consultations with Melissa Zollo. She helped me look inside myself and face the things that were blocking me. I saw my old patterns and the negative way they were affecting my entire life. Melissa guided me to create a new blueprint and image. It is an amazing process that has changed my life and will continue. There is no going back. I am thankful. I use the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program every. They are great tools for self healing. Recently I had surgery and I used them to image asuccessful surgery. My doctor told me I came out of all that with peaceful, clear eyes and a smile on my face. To anyone who wants to change their life, I recommend the Present Memory tapes and CD's. And to anyone wants the extra one on one guidance I recommend a consultation with Melissa. Thank you so much."

Elizabeth B.W. - Artist, Fairfield, CT

"I did a consultation with Melissa after I was struck with sudden painful and swollen glands. She immediately made me aware of my negative and toxic subconscious blueprint that was operating in the background of my mind. Melissa was very straightforward and focused in asking me whether I wanted the problem and gave me a very clear cut choice between an old blueprint that was obviously causing me problems...or to feel better. In that moment I was able to take a huge step away from that blueprint and when I did the symptoms and swelling immediately stopped. I have never experienced anything like it. I felt blessed to have personally witnessed that choices can manifest in the now."

S.H.H. - Realtor, Massachusetts

"In August of 1999, I learned that I needed to have major surgery to correct a serious health condition. I consulted Melissa Zollo several times prior to the date of surgery. We talked about what I wanted as the ultimate outcome and we developed a new health image for me. As we talked, I realized that I was quite fearful as to what might happen. I learned that I had to change my thinking in order to be healthy. After each talk I became less fearful and less worried. In fact, by the time of surgery, as I was in pre-op, with a feeling of peace circulating within me I knew I was already completely healed and that my doctors would be guided rightly. I felt this feeling as I drifted off into sleep. The operation was a complete success."

Jayne A. L., Ft. Lauderdale, FL

"I recently experienced a consultation with Melissa Zollo and got insights about myself and old beliefs. I also received information to change them. If you want to transform your life, start with Melissa's audio program,"Discover the Power of Imagination", then go to a seminar or Image First clinic, and then book a consult. It's the way to get results! I have read Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, and Wayne Dyer, and have found a common message between their inspirational work and Melissa Zollo's. However, what makes Melissa's work so unique, is she gives you the tools "to do it and live it". It's one thing to understand the Spiritual Laws of Life, it's another thing to learn how to really apply them to your life. This is Melissa's invaluable gift to us and I am deeply grateful."

Tina N. G - Elementary Education Teacher, MS in Education - Play Therapist with Pediatric Cancer Patients,Yale New Haven Hospital, Madison, CT

"I recently had a personal consultation with Melissa Zollo concerning my health and I am very grateful. Melissa was very generous with me and something definitely shifted during the session. I highly recommend a consultation in conjunction with using the"Discover the Power of Imagination" to anyone who is facing a health challenge."

Nancy H. - N.D., Homeopath, R.N., St. Paul, MN.

"I am a 26 year old woman. I recently hit a point in my life where I literally felt overwhelmed by depression and confusion. I did not know where to turn, or how to help myself. My mind was so cluttered with doubt and fear that my own intuitive feelings could not shine through. In one session Melissa Zollo helped me sort out my fears and illusions. Once the veil was lifted, she assisted me in taking action. Within two weeks after that session, I quit my job, encountered business opportunities, and found a living situation which was perfectly in tune with where I really wanted to be. I recommend a consultation with Melissa to anyone who is in search of their own truth and open to making a beneficial change in their lives."

Vanessa Scotto - Acupuncturist, New York, New York

"How can I ever fully describe the moment when time seemed to stop as I became clearly aware that up until that moment, I was believing and perpetuating a story about myself that was never true? During a phone consult with Melissa Zollo, it took less than three minutes, based on my first five words,for her to help me identify and expose the festering root belief that kept me from living a life of abundance and joy my entire life. As a Christian, I know Melissa is doing God's work here. Everything she says is confirmed biblically. She truly is a gift. Her gift is, literally...the present. Now I get to unwrap it and live in it as I change my words and thinking, create a "new blueprint" and manifest the abundant life I was meant to live!"

Diane B - Success Coach, Professional Photographer, Salisbury, MA

"I have been to many seminars over the years but have never experienced anything like the power of Melissa Zollo's Image First Summer Clinic and her consultations. Doing a personal consultation with Melissa was like being given a diamond! I was able to reach deep inside myself and become aware of the impact my invisible fears were having on my health and my life. There are few words to describe what one feels when one "sees" how we misuse our power of awareness. The beauty of a personal consult is that Melissa focus's totally on your needs, desires, and dreams. Once I lifted off the runway of fears and wounds, I became very determined to trust myself. I felt my self-confidence soar. I felt vibrant, healthy, and successful in the moment. I saw myself as a loving, powerful woman with high self-esteem. It was like a river of peace began to flow through my entire being, as if something was releasing or shifting as something new was being born. I had suffered from severe neck pain for the last year. It grew in intensity in the last 6 months By the fourth week of the workshop it was unbearable. However, once I had the courage to declare myself healed, (and slept in this awareness), the pain disappeared. My neck has been completely pain free since that day. I am deeply grateful to Melissa Zollo for sharing her talents with me.I recommend the Present Memory"Discover the Power of Imagination"audio program, consultations and Image First Clinic!"

Eleni S. - Lighting Designer, NYC, NY

"My consultation with Melissa Zollo was mind-blowing. Melissa has the extraordinary gift and ability to pick up where I was in consciousness and show me where I need to go. She was persistent in helping me to clear the path for opening up my life in the way I want. She offers shortcuts to help you in comparison to what most people can do on their own. It was incredibly insightful and very useful to me. I would highly recommend anyone who is ready to do the work and grow to do a consult with her."

Ilene Dillon - Worldtalk Radio Host, San Francisco, CA

"My consultation with Melissa Zollo and the message she shares is what I have been searching for all my life. It tapped into the depth of what I am and it totally woke me up."

Kim D., Andover, MA

"I was in great emotional pain and in need of immediate help and so I contacted Melissa Zollo. On Aug 11 we had a session that opened both my eyes and the prison door of my mind. I saw and felt how important the mental images we carry are to the present moment. Two years ago I had an accident for which I was found not guilty and yet I condemned myself as if I were simply because I had it. Instead of replanting a new image I replayed the old negative one and I fell into fear resulting in panic attacks. My life got to the point where I could hardly go out my door and then when I did guess what I had another accident. In one session with Melissa Zollo explained the Spiritual Principle of the Law of Identical Harvest to me. She walked me through the process of how inner planting and outer harvesting occurs. She pinpointed my error patterns of thinking and feeling to an event I have been carrying in my mind for over 30 years. Then in her no nonsense way, she offered me a choice. To replant again and get yet another painful outcome or prune the negative image and replant and redesign a new health inspired image based on self love and joy. In one session my panic stricken frozen physical body let go and I not only relaxed and felt better I got a new mental picture or blueprint to work from. I decided to change my habit and surrender my guilt and fear and opt for life. After my session I took a cab home and immediately starting using Victory Focus and Serenity in the cab. By the time the cab dropped me off I felt like a new person and was looking forward to my life. Melissa's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program gives you the tools to build the new image. I am writing this to help others and say, don't wait until you are pushed up against a wall to take advantage of Melissa Zollo's clarity and compassion to help. I strongly urge you to get the programs and use them. Imaging does creates reality. Melissa, I am forever grateful to you for helping me release myself from the past. I can't thank you enough. I am confident that I will not allow myself to become what I once was because now I realize how much I was destroying myself and those I love."

Camille B. - Stock Market, NYC NY

"My consultation with Melissa Zollo was simply wonderful. Melissa is amazing. She helped me go from "thinking" I was doing inner work to actually getting off an emotional treadmill that anchored me to the problem. As soon as I let go of my fear and allowed myself to move inwardly, I relaxed and my vibration uplifted. I experienced a shift in my consciousness and I felt differently immediately . Melissa's genius is in her ability to get right to the truth. She helped me uncover my resistance patterns, find my desire,and focus my awareness towards the solution. Using her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" in conjunction with a consult is the best investment in yourself and your dreams.I highly recommend everyone experience a consult with Melissa."

Chris W. - Illustrator, Milford, CT

"I love Melissa Zollo! She gets right to the heart of the truth. She has an incredible ability to give you the clarity you need to free yourself from any unwanted beliefs and feelings you have about yourself. I have had a number of wonderful teachers in my life, yet something was blocking me from moving forward. Then, after a consult with Melissa, the doors opened up inside of me! I had an 'aha moment' and was able to move straight ahead to change what has been holding me back. I recommend anyone who seriously wants to change themselves to use her audio programs, book personal consults, and go to her seminars. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Melissa!"

Alana S. - Holistic Nutritionist, Alexandria, VA

"Melissa Zollo's Power of Imagination audio program has helped me tremendously as I improve my life and my own self-image. While Melissa's lectures and audio programs have created both awareness and structure for recognizing and changing my own error patterns, my recent personal consultation with Melissa propelled me even further. Melissa's very direct approach cut through my resistance and pushed me far beyond the comfort level I had created for myself. I now how important all of my feelings are. Recognizing and accepting the feelings that are part of old habits and error patterns is helping me to move forward in my healing process. Thank you Melissa for your patience and persistence. If anyone has been considering a personal consultation with Melissa, DO IT NOW. You will thank yourself - as well as Melissa - for such a life changing gift."

Nancy J. R - Carpenter Extraordinare, Bethel, CT

"Melissa Zollo is an amazing and perceptive woman. I am in awe of her gifts and how willing she is to offer them to people. Herconsultations are very special. She was very succinct and that alone opened me up. She goes right for the truth. I really enjoyed her honesty. During the consultation something shifted within me and I moved up into a new level of awareness. She helped me identify my core issues which nobody else has been able to do. I strongly recommend a consultation with Melissa Zollo in conjunction with taking her teleseminar classes and using the "Discover the Power of Imagination" audio program. As a Buddhist I can tell you that this program compliments Buddhism. Melissa Zollo's work is an investment in yourself that will pay generous dividends in all areas of your life."

Pam H. - Home Designer, Bridgeport, CT

"I sought a personal consultation with Melissa after attending two of her lectures and learning about her "nuts and bolts" approach to creating results through the imaging process via the "bridge of incidence". Soon I became aware of the obstacles that I allowed to impede my crossing. I was blown-away by Melissa's insight and her quick, intuitive identification and assessment of the gaps in my understanding and practice. Her command of this knowledge is so deep that she was able to undo any "knot" that my mind had created. Melissa helped me define the error patterns that created those knots, and recommended solutions that worked immediately. In addition to fixing the "pot holes" on my bridge, Melissa helped me improve the things I was doing right. She moved me beyond just getting the concept right to actually doing it right. I have made phenomenal progress toward my goals.. I'm certain and thrilled about being at my final destination. Melissa - The Difference. I have been a student of visualization for many years and worked with the writings of authors such as Shakti Gawain and Katherine Ponder. . Truthfully though, I was disappointed that the results were "hit or miss" and that I was unable to truly live by and rely on these principles. Melissa's approach represents an evolution in the application of Spiritual Laws. Instead of stopping at a "result" or single "manifestation", Melissa takes you to the next level. She focuses on a deeper systematic "transformation" of yourselfthat serves as the springboard to create your desired outcome in many different forms consistently and reliably. In simpler terms,it's the difference between manifesting money and becoming a wealthy person in all aspects of your life - internal and external. The other major benefit that Melissa offers is her accessibility through lectures, media and consultation."

Sharon H - Management Consultant, Fairfield, CT

"I recently experienced a consultation with Melissa Zollo, founder of Present Memory. I came to the session steeped in pain and confusion, and wasn't quite sure what to expect--but the results were stunning.Without even knowing my life circumstances, Melissa quickly showed me how my deeply-buried, subconscious beliefs were negatively affecting and blocking everything else I want to have happen in my life. She then presented me with concrete steps for how I must change these inner-beliefs in order to manifest my heart's desires. The session was truly a powerful, life-changing experience. I have followed Melissa's advice and already have experienced positive inner shifts. I highly recommend Melissa'sDiscover the Power of Imagination and consultations to anyone who wants to move out of their current state and into a life filled with realized dreams and desires."

Mary Beth - Freelance Writer, New York

"My consultation with Melissa was absolutely wonderful. Words cannot truly describe what it is like to have a one on one with this very special person. The depth of emotion that was unleashed was incredible. I highly recommend a consultation if you are stuck on creating a new blueprint or want to give yourself a gift that will last a lifetime."

Ronni L - Customer Service, Norwalk, CT

"I had consultation with Melissa Zollo and she was able to tune in to a level of how and why my old patterns of thinking were causing me dissatisfaction. Melissa helped me to come up with powerful mantras that I could refer to when I faced the impulses that triggered negative outcomes. Within months, I reprogrammed my belief systems about what I could achieve my goals and results occurred immediately. I recommend Melissa to anyone committed to personal growth."

Ana L V - Artist, New York, NY

"Divorce is not easy for anyone and so I decided to do consultations with Melissa as well as use her audio programs. No one could have prepared me for the discoveries I made about myself which included: I aborted my images daily. I realized that fear was my master and I returned to the comfort of resistance on a daily basis. My habits of giving up my dreams were fueled from doubts . Yet Melissa persisted to stand in the light of truth and focus my attention towards success, balance and healing. She repeatedly helped me to rise up to the solution and showed me how to convey ideas of value, self worth, acceptance and respect to my subconscious mind. I am happy to report that I am now divorced and the settlement is agreeable to all concerned. I am so grateful to Melissa for her courage, determination, and persistence. She led me to the crossroads of my mind and said: "Choose the way of habit, loss, lack and limitation or the way of Spirit and the fulfillment of dreams. Melissa Zollo, as well as her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program, helped me prepare and care for my body and soul as I went through my divorce with the least amount of stress possible. There is life after divorce. Now I am looking forward to new beginnings. I recommend Melissa Zollo as your guide to Divorce Recovery. Regaining ones emotional balance can be challenging, but the rewards of Consultations with Melissa and her Power program are worth all the effort and investment."

Cathy F - Retired Teacher, MA

"With Melissa Zollo's watchful eye I was able to articulate my goals and put them out into the universe. Now what I needed for so long is coming my way. Within the first two weeks of formulating my two new business images, I got results. Both produced clients and new income. It is with a full heart that I recommend Melissa Zollo, especially if you are in the Arts and searching for a way to survive.”

Anthony S. - AEA, SAG Actor

"Melissa Zollo is a strong support system for the Creative Artist. Working with Melissa has helped me sustain my self- image while facing the challenges of the Professional world."

Lynn M. - Producer

“Melissa came into the office with a number of symptoms and complaints. She woke up with her lids crusty, vision blurry, and itching all around her eyes. Upon examination, the skin was red, raw, and abraded. Her lashes and lid margins were inflamed along with a pus discharge coming from the glands in the lids. The usual oily droplet that is excreted by these glands to form the normal tear film was not present. Melissa left the office with all the information and prescriptions to treat the blepharitis/meibomitis and advised that it could take a month or more for the condition to get better. She said that she would work on this condition additionally with her skills as an imagist, with positive focusing, and self healing. Melissa came back for a follow-up examination in three days to make sure she was tolerating the medications and to review the complex treatment plan which is often confusing. The skin around her eyes was mostly healed, the lids and lashes were markedly less inflamed, and the fluid coming out of her glands was mostly sebum, the necessary component to the tear film making her eyes much more comfortable. This was truly an amazing recovery. It is commonly believed in the medical community that our resistance to infection and illness can be markedly altered by our mental well being. We can use our mind to help create and maintain our health. Melissa’s life revolves around this very concept and undoubtedly played a large role in her rapid recovery with this otherwise beleaguering eye problem.”

Dr Frederick Nevins - Metropolitan Vision

“I had two total knee replacement surgeries, the first June 1st, the second one on Aug. 31st of this year. I work with Melissa on a monthly basis but intentionally scheduled sessions with her the evening before each surgery. Best decision of my life! I recount here some of the highlights of the results of these sessions and the impact they had on me emotionally, physically, and spiritually, both prior to and post-surgery.

Surgery 1 – Right Knee

A few days before surgery I was in extensive pain, all over my body, not just my knees. Melissa immediately recognized this at the beginning of our session without me even telling her. She led me through some deep relaxation and imaging work. The following captures the essence of my image-repatterning both during and after the session:

“Talking to my cells: I LOVE YOU!!!!!! : I LOVE YOU!!!!!! : I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

There is a continuous rejuvenating process at work, restoring cells, renewing tissue and revitalizing my organs and entire body!

Spirit is strengthening me and making me whole. I have complete confidence in the healing life process of Spirit. The doctors and nurses are being guided.

Every hand that touches me is a healing hand.

Relax and let go.”

After the session I was more relaxed and at peace than I can ever remember! Most of the pain was gone. I got an amazingly great 8 hours of sleep afterwards and woke up refreshed and without any fear or apprehension.

I had a friend accompany me to the surgery. When she saw me she couldn’t get over how I looked. She said I looked like I had just come from a spa! I was calm, relaxed and smiling all through the waiting, prep and into the operating room. I KNEW I was healing! I had arranged ahead of time for both the anesthesiologist and surgeon to make positive healing comments during my surgery. Melissa helped me prepare the following variation to the image above for them to read:

“There is a continuous rejuvenating process at work, restoring cells, renewing tissue and revitalizing your organs and entire body!

You are being strengthened and made whole. I have complete confidence in the healing life process of Spirit. The doctors and nurses are being guided.

Every hand that touches you is a healing hand.”

I also gave copies to my son and my friends to read while I was in surgery. Needless to say the surgery was highly successful and I progressed well in my healing. I continued monthly sessions with Melissa where we continued to implant the cell healing process and where she assisted me in learning to be patient, “to listen to my body”. I was used to being very active and so these lessons were invaluable!

Surgery 2 – Left Knee

I again scheduled an image-repatterning session for the evening before surgery. This time we went much deeper! Without going into all of the details of the session this time we connected to the divine healing life moving through me and connected in consciousness to the transforming healing power of energy. I felt emotionally, physically and spiritually resilient!

I again slept well and my friend again commented on the glowing calmness that I exuded before surgery. I remarked that I had felt more nervous going to the dentist for a cleaning earlier in the week! I had the same anesthesiologist as the first time. In the surgery prep room he asked me if I had brought the healing prayer. He suggested we recite it then, all together. The doctor, my friends and two surgical nurses all participated in reading it. The energy was amazing and I was totally uplifted!

Needless to say, the second surgery went even better than the first, with no complications or infections. The nurses at the hospital were amazed at how well I was doing after not even three months, noting especially how well my scar had healed. When I returned home my physical therapist was equally amazed at my progress!

I am continuing to work on my strength, endurance (and patience), all with Melissa’s help.

I KNOW that Melissa Zollo's work on the multi-dimensional spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels has had a tremendous impact on my successful healing and recovery."

Deborah Nightingale, PhD

"Melissa Zollo gave a wonderful workshop on the Art of Intentional Creation! Everyone benefited."

Laura Grimes - Spiritual Program Coordinator - New Age Health Spa, NY

Image Repatterining for Business Success

“My career in sales is a very challenging one. My year end production was up 81% since using the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program and having consultations with Melissa Zollo.”

George Stills - AXA Financial, Fortune 500 Company, New York City, New York

"Investing in Melissa Zollo's CD's was the best thing I ever did for myself. They are worth a million dollars! I was able to wipe out $40,000 worth of debt in a few short months, by increasing my sales performance at work. As a result of using them everyday, I went from rags to riches and my dream to become the # 1 sales rep in the country for my company has come true! Every business executive and BNI professional should be using these invaluable CD's if they want to achieve all their financial goals and never worry about money again!"

Patty J - Business Network Int'l (BNI) - Account Executive, Lowell, MA

“A year and a half ago I was introduced to Melissa Zollo's audio program Discover the Power of Imagination. Since using this powerful tool daily in my life, my understanding and application of the Laws of Success have dramatically deepened. The results were remarkable.

• I created a wonderful sales team.

• My department has tripled sales in a matter of 6 months.

• The department went from $3000.00 a day in sales to 10,000.00 a day for the first time ever, breaking all previous records!

• Natural Living bonus's for my staff are up.

• All of the sales of the vendors who sell their products through my department have gone up. One vendor reported that her sales are up $114% from last year.

I use all of the Present Memory audio programs, attend seminars and clinics and listen in on all teleseminars. If you work her programs, they will work for you! Melissa Zollo delivers.”

Kim D, Andover MA

"I recently faced a crisis that threatened my livelihood and business.Upon arrival at my office I discovered that my computer was missing. I felt a sense of loss and disbelief that this was happening to me. My computer is my lifeline to my business. Instead of dissolving into the state of loss I decided to put spiritual principles to the test. I let the feelings of loss wash over me and then took action.

I consulted with Melissa Zollo and immediately was advised to set an image. Melissa said, '"Feel the computer". After speaking with Melissa, I knew I had to rise up out of the state of loss in order to feel a deep sense of trust and gratitude. I was made aware that I must unify with my image in order to move through any doubts that might appear to test me.

In my image, I felt, saw, and touched my computer at my desk and gavethanks morning, noon, and night that it was there. On a practical level I knew I had to notify the police and speak to others concerning the situation. I noticed that instead of focusing on solution, many people wanted to tell me their stories of loss. I refused to engage in these conversations. I let people know I expected a solution and wasn't upset. I knew I had to maintain a prosperity consciousness. I knew I needed to stay calm and grateful if a solution was to manifest. At night I listened to Sweet Dreams from theDiscover the Power of Imagination audio program in order to feel a sense of peacefulness and trust that I was safe, secure, and protected.

Three days later, I went to my office intent on living in the image. I closed my eyes and felt that my computer was there and working. When I opened my eyes I saw a computer technician walking into the office. He asked about my computer. Within five minutes and he gave me an extra computer that he owned. He also reloaded all my files and literally put me back in business and ALL AT NO CHARGE. The image had manifested. Spirit delivered! I imaged, believed and received because I took the time to learn how to train my mind and IMAGE FIRST. I cannot say enough about Melissa Zollo and her work. She is a great example of truth, decency, determination and inspiration.

If you are willing to learn how to tap into your courage, and trust deeply in the Power Within You, the process of imaging will produce results. I am so grateful to Melissa Zollo for her dedication to living truth principles. I urge you to move beyond the current fad with Law of Attraction coaches, non-physical teachers, and internet marketing guru's and develop your skills by learning how to manifest results from a woman who walks her talk."

Betsey Beaven - Author, Consultant, Chef, Andover, MA

"Everything you need to succeed in business is in Melissa Zollo's seminars! She gives you the foundation and working principles for a successful blueprint. After attending her seminar, I Can Be Successful And I Will and using both her Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money CD's everyday, I now have a great attitude and have significantly increased my income. In fact, I recently doubled my income in just two weeks from what normally would have taken me two months to do!"

Michael - Investor, Hudson, NH

"As CEO of the Concept-Therapy Institute Inc. I would like to take this opportunity and highly recommend a very valuable program -- the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program. To say that listening to these programs is a "breath of fresh air" is truly an understatement! Their effect on my psyche is more like a "tidal wave of relaxation." Please avail yourself of the opportunity to grow and develop your "inner awareness" by using the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program."

Warren McKenney - CEO Concept-Therapy Institute, Inc., San Antonio TX

"The Present Memory Power of Imagination deep relaxation and soothing sleep audio program is helping me to manage work related stress by teaching me the values of taking time out to relax and revitalize. They have improved the quality of my life."

Robert A. Cervoni - CFO Weeden & Co., L.P., New York Stock Exchange

"I truly believe that Melissa Zollo has the insight and knowledge that rivals some of the greatest motivator's of our time. Her use of imagery to create and develop the mind is truly a talent that I believe will change the way we think about our thoughts."

Brian J. Henderson - CEO/Owner, Mind Altering Strategies, LLC & Gregory Turner, President & CEO, Abundant Solutions Enterprises, Inc.

"The seminar I Can Be Successful And I Will with Melissa Zollo was fantastic! I have attended the most sought after in European management education and American Ivy League education, yet this was the best seminar I've seen when it comes to personal and professional success. "

Lars Noreng - Management Consultant, Owner of Right Media Mix, Windham, NH

"I rushed back from Italy and went directly from the airport to participate in Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic. I didn't want to miss a single session of such an extremely valuable and rewarding experience, which has positively impacted both my personal relationships and business life. If you are in business and want to learn how to create a 'force field' that attracts everything you need to realize your goals and how to become more successful, positive and optimistic in your life please avail yourself of Melissa Zollo's workshops. Also, The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Attract Money audio programs are contemporary and important tools to help anyone in business build excellent customer relationships, perform more successfully, focus on service excellence, increase sales, and most importantly strengthen an inner sense of well being and happiness."

Brian J - Owner of Imports and Distribution of European Kitchen and Home Furnishings, NYC, NY

"I attended Melissa Zollo's very informative seminar, "I Can Be Successful, And I Will". Ms Zollo reinforced concepts I knew but in a much deeper way which I have immediately applied in both my personal and professional life. Her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program and seminars together give you the central and most important tools anyone in business needs to succeed."

Denise R - Certified Public Accountant, North Andover, MA

“Melissa Zollo is a great inspiration to anyone wanting to focus on new directions to attract rewarding results. A powerful speaker, Zollo communicates how unlimited success starts in the imagination. Her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is essential and invaluable. Entrepreneurs around the world will benefit from listening to Zollo in person or on her CD program.”

Sal Cumella MD - Executive Producer for Award Winning "Women for Women" Radio Show, NY, NY

"Even as a novice in the application of Melissa Zollo’s program, Discover the Power of Imagination, I can enthusiastically recommend it to any small business owner or entrepreneur. he practical tools that Melissa provides have already helped me to find the most positive ways to achieve the goals I set every day to fulfill the business vision I have. "

Bob W - Business Network Int'l (BNI), Owner of Copilabs, Methuen, MA

"Belief in our ability to achieve, imagining the opportunities these beliefs will present, and actually accomplishing them, is the foundation to success. Melissa Zollo's presentation on "Art of Intentional Creation" provided me with tangible, practical tools to reset my thinking and manage my own individual plan for success so as to manifest my personal and professional goals."

Eunice S, Customer Care Center Manager - Volvo Cars of North America, LLC

"The Discover the Power of Imagination program provides an opportunity for sales people to determine their goals, focus, and reap the rewards! 2 thumps’ up!"

Ally C, Account Executive - Country Life, South Boston, MA

"I recently used Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination CD's and imaged for a new health facility. I wanted a beautiful space to expand my business and it manifested almost overnight. It was amazing! I love my new space and so do my clients. Since using her CD's my business has increased rapidly. I love Melissa's work because it works! Every doctor, health care practitioner, and person seeking optimum health should use her programs."

Dr. TJ ,ND - Andover Center for Reflexology and Nutrition, Andover, MA

"After attending Melissa Zollo's wonderful and powerful workshop I was inspired to use her Discover the Power of Imagination program to "image" for a raise. It worked! I not only got the raise but it came in even higher than I had imagined! I am asingle commuting Mom and Melissa's work keeps me on track everyday. Everyone needs this invaluable audio program."

Kimberly P - Software Engineer, Hudson, New Hampshire

"Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is easy to listen to, follow, and is extremely informative. She is on the money as far as being a great source of inspiration. Melissa's work has helped me increase my business and as a result I look forward to each day with a positive attitude. I love her work!"

Rocco L - Video Production, Duplication, and Digital Photography, Waterbury, CT

"Discover the Power of Imagination CD program is fantastic. Melissa takes it all the way and gives you the tools to redesign your life: your health, work, relationships, financial status, etc. Her audio program is extremely powerful and transforming. It is not a motivational program or program that tells you what to think, it is a program that let's "you" create your own reality."

Sue I - Marketing and Sales Consultant, Andover, MA

“Melissa Zollo is an inspiring speaker with a very focused message. She has developed a method of attacking and overcoming any reasonable challenge. This can be an invaluable tool for use on either a personal or business level. The potential reward (reaching your goal) far outweighs the risk (cost of the program). I was impressed with Melissa and the results she has achieved.”

Roy A - Retired Dun & Bradstreet Executive, Darien, CT

"Working on a trading floor for one of the top firms on Wall Street, I truly know what it is like to experience stress in my everyday work environment. The Present Memory CD’s, have become a valuable tool for me. I have seen the effect I can have on my co-workers and clients when I have used Present Memory to its fullest; I have heard the resulting laughter, instead of grumbling, in these tense surroundings. The power and pleasure one experiences when they are in control of their emotions and dealing with them to their benefit is awesome and of great benefit to me in both my professional and personal life."

M. O' H - Goldman-Sachs, New York City

"Melissa Zollo is an inspiration! And she is much, much more. Melissa gives us tools to change our thinking and by extension change our lives. Melissa gave me the image (success blueprint) to double the number of clients who work with me. By using the tools in the How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money audio program, I turned that blueprint into reality in a few short months."

Michelle S - Certified Pilates, Gyrotonic®, and Gyrokinesis® Trainer, New York City

"Less than one week after purchasing the Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination CD's I applied the techniques that Melissa teaches to a piece of property that I wanted to buy. I was one of seven builders bidding on this very coveted real estate. I won the bid, even though my bid was lower than some! I believe that this program was key in my success! I would highly recommend it to any one who is trying to change their life. I also enjoyed her teleseminar which gave me much deeper insight on how to achieve my goals in all aspects of my life. Just listening to Melissa you can feel her dedication to people who are now part of the Present Memory family! Thank You! "

Richard E. W - Sculptor/Builder, Norwalk, CT

"I have been using Melissa Zollo's powerful audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination and I recently manifested a great job! I wanted to have a better schedule with better pay and by working her program I created it. I love Melissa's work and I highly recommend anyone in sales use it."

Ally C - Twin Lab Sales Rep, South Boston, MA

"When you have a daily routine filled with impossible deadlines and hordes of people adamantly supporting opposing points of view, it helps to have the resources that Melissa Zollo of Present Memory provide. The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a comfort, a source for renewing energy and centering that is of immeasurable worth in an increasingly hectic business world."

Mary Ellen K - Senior V.P. Advertising Agency, New York

“As a computer consultant, my knowledge of creative visualization has enabled me to complete assignments that before seemed impossible. Recently, I had agreed to an assignment that was outside of my then current area of expertise. I was nervous, apprehensive, and tentative in my approach. Utilizing the Discover the Power of Imagination audio tools I was able to overcome my self doubt and develop a masterpiece computer system for the client. I learned a programming language in less then seventy-two hours. The remarkable thing about that was that I never knew a programming language before. Please feel free to use this as testimonial support for your product.”

R. Biondolillo - Computer Consultant, New York, New York

"Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a sure fire prescription for sanity and success."

Tom G - President - Bergen County Camera, Inc., Westwood, New Jersey

"After 30 years of serving the public and dealing with the pressures involved in running a successful restaurant business, I have finally found something that helps me to relax. The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination audio program. I use them every day and I am feeling so much better! I recommend them to everyone in business."

Paul & Maria Natalucci - Restaurateurs - Alfredo's, La Scala, Paulo's Continental Cuisine, Palm Beach County, Florida

The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program explains how the mind works- how it processes mental suggestions. It reinforces tangible steps to root out old belief systems and outdated methods of conducting business and suggests ways to plant and foster productive mental seeds.

T. T. - HBO Program Specialist, NYC, NY

“The Present Memory audio programs are instrumental in maintaining a state of health and relaxation in a highly stressful business life and help with directing thoughts and emotions towards one's aims in spite of internal distractions. They act as a litmus test, showing that you can control thoughts and feelings which actually have controlled one's self.”

J. H - General Manager - Clark Construction

“Dear Melissa,

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with our retailers last night.The conference call was enlightening and helped many! You provided a process for transformation of overcoming our fears and doubts. As you described, this is especially true for many of us around our third week in our business when the euphoria of our decision to change our lives is dissipating and the doubts and fears from our past habits and conditioning start raising their ugly heads again. People now have a process and mechanism to work through them and fly above them! Thank you, thank you. I've already received phone calls and emails about the impact this had on many people who were experiencing their "first storm at sea" as you called it.”

Jason B - Founder True Vision, Submit Advisor Liberty League - Winning Edge Enterprizes

"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on how to move beyond doubts and create successful blueprints was excellent. The response from our True Vision business team and participants was overwhelmingly positive. Ms Zollo's hands-on energetic approach, and her specific examples took Spiritual Principles to new levels of understanding. She was very encouraging, and inspired all of us to feel uplifted and motivated in order to better help our clients. The Present Memory CD programs are excellent support tools for anyone in the personal development field. I recommend them to everyone who has a desire to turn their personal and financial dreams into reality. 2 thumbs up on Melissa Zollo, her teleseminars and audio programs!"

Margie P - CEO, Reach for Your Greatness, Springfield, VA

Image Repatterining for Wealth

"I truly believe after listening to Melissa Zollo's program "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money" for just a short time that she helped me look at my core beliefs about myself and my finances. I understood that I could let go of certain self-destructive beliefs and move toward change. As a result I recently moved out of a long standing living situation which was not healthy for me. Melissa drives home the message that I am the sole chooser of my beliefs. She inspired and gave me the impetus to change. I am very grateful and feel an inner peace I haven't felt before."

Amy M - FedEx Courier, Norwalk, CT

"As a woman of color and originally from the Island of Haiti... I have found Melissa Zollo's message to be very dynamic, inspirational and potent. It must be listened to and then applied by using her audio programs. I attended her seminar on The Power of Suggestion in Healing. I feel Melissa is doing a fantastic job... better then anyone else in presenting to us the most important spiritual information that helps people come home to themselves. She gives the key to success to anyone who takes it and shows you how to unlock the door of poverty and talk with God. She created a set of CD's that are tools for each of us to use so we can build our own nest. Many people have been fed lies from society, religion, and even their families. They believe these lies. Melissa and the Present Memory audio programs make people aware of themselves. Do you want a way to get out of these traps? I highly recommend her "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money" CD to anyone who wants to live a richer, fuller life. Free yourself from enslavement to poverty and abuse. Use it and you will know the truth for yourself."

Maude Joseph - Reflexologist, Bridgeport, CT

“Dear Ms. Zollo,

For the last 20 years I have been the founder and director of several programs; 1) program that provided services to women in prison, their children and extended family member' 2) After School Program;3) Community meals for people with Aids. Wherever I saw a need I did not complain I went in and tried to change the situation. I wore many hats. I was the director, social worker and only fund raiser. Raising between 100,00 to 180,000. Most of the money went into services. I never made over $30,000. Had no health insurance or any of those things. Often times I had to take free lance work to pay for my daughter's private school tuition and then 12 years of college. She is now a practicing Vet and surgeon having graduated from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

My life changed when after leaving a store I fell and injured my back. In pain and unable to sit to write proposals, I lost all of my funding and closed up shop. I waited over two years for my disability, during this time my daughter took care of me, pampered me and showered me with love and support. As agonizing as the situation was, I believe that it prepared me for the work I am about to do, and gave me the opportunity to rest my mind, body and spirit. This is where I was when I attended your class- "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money". Although a student of prosperity thinking and study something did not click until your class. I can't explain it. But your confidence was astonishing. You weren't trying to push anything. I could feel your commitment to this work.

It clicked and I went with it. Two things happened: I found 4 insurance policies that my mother left me. Cashed them in. In the process I ran across a pension plan that I'd belonged to before starting my organization. I'd worked 9 years as a Family Law Worker in the Brooklyn Family Court. Investigating the policy I discovered it was fraudulent and the city is looking into it. All in all I am fine. I am 57 and looking forward to active life. I am planning a retreat for aging political activists. I have joined the Gray Panthers and I am on the move. I am using your money audio program and the notes I took in your class to inform and inspire me. I can do it! That is what I learned. Prosperity is not just money. It's about living a rich life. It's about having friends. It's about being blessed. I was awakened by the message you sent. I respect your work. It's tremendous. Thank you.”

Mae Jackson - Political Activist, NYC

"I not only imaged a teaching position that I at one time never thought I could get but I imaged a salary that my colleagues in the teaching profession told me I would never get. They all said... "They will never pay you that much!" But by using the How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money CD program from Present Memory... I not only got my dream job but I also got the dream salary! I highly recommend this works!

Donna D - Teacher, Newtown, CT

“I had the opportunity to take your course "How to Attract Money: Access Your Inner Power" that you presented at The Learning Annex. I was hesitant to wake up on Saturday morning to drag out to another Learning Annex class (I work there 8 hours a day) but "something" just kept telling me to go. Well, I used the techniques you outlined in the course and I must say that I have been getting outstanding results. It is as if all I have to do is rub the genie lamp and believe that my wish has already come true and in some "strange" way, it manifests itself (with a BIG helping hand from the invisible Force). I manifested a raise for myself an outstanding experience at my job. Now when my mind plays the old "You can't, you won't" game with me I know that I am more powerful than those little voices. It is great to know that people like you still have those little voices but have learned how to effectively "manage" the voice and still achieve outstanding things in life. I gained invaluable information at your course. It seems weird from the human point of view that we have these type of powers. However, as you said, we are spirits in human flesh instead of humans with spirits. I am in accord with you 100 percent. The changes that have taken place are astounding. It seems to be that I am attracting great fortune left and right. Even when misfortune comes, it comes in a way to turn into fortune (kind of like seeing a setback as a setup for a comeback). I felt that I needed to share with you how powerful you came across to me and others in the class. You also opened my eyes up to show me how powerful I really am when I take my requests from the physical, limited arena to the abundantly spiritual arena. You have really touched my life and I just wanted to let you know that. I thank you Melissa and I affirm an abundance of strength and perfect health for you so you can continue to take your message out into the world.”

Afron Raymond - The Learning Annex, NY, NY

“Good morning Ms. Zollo,

I have a new birth day Saturday, February 8, 2003 at approximately 1:00 pm (smile)!! I so wanted to attend this seminar "How to unleash the Power Within & Attract Money-Riches". I was hoping and praying that your topic would address the "within" rather than the "without." As a matter of fact, I spoke with one of my sisters and we both wondered why I was still seeking my nuggets of gold from those who claim to have found theirs - we all agree that doesn't make sense. But then I can't find my gold. So, my hopes were very high coupled with worry of another let down. When I returned to Room 110 I saw a beacon of light. Funny thing, you were set back in the dark. But, madame, you shone so brightly and you were so good looking (I don't mean that in a Cover Girl way) but literally - healthy, wealthy and wise. I have never seen anyone or experienced anything like seeing you. You looked exactly the way I want to look-not physically- no, I am a heavyset black woman. But I want to be perceived as a healthy, wealthy and a powerful woman. I was so moved. You confirmed something I knew. I have spent a lifetime trying to fit in (a round peg in a square hole). You forced me to literally stretch myself - like a rubber band. I am tempted to repeat the "old wine in a new container" or is it "new wine in an old vessel" saying. I have expanded. . During the lecture, Something told me to listen to your voice and not to write when you were speaking. So I didn't take any notes. I was awakened Sunday morning with a jolt. Something wakened me with the command "IT CAME." I somehow have shifted into some other spectrum almost as if someone gave me a huge push over a cliff. God bless and thank you very much.”

Three weeks later:

“Good Morning Ms. Zollo,

First of all thank you for the Present Memory audio program. I wanted to let you knowthe blessings are flowing! I received a $500.00 bonus on my job. God bless you.”

Y. Johnson, NYC

"The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program challenged my very understanding of the Universe. It has made all the difference in the world to me. These CD's are not just some feel good program. The program is intelligent, straight forward and user friendly. I was a serious doubter in my innate ability to image solutions to my problems. The scientist in me said it could not be true. But every time I tried to prove the success tips did not work, THEY DID! Over and over the principles proved me wrong and my life changed for the better every time I used them. If you want to overcome your roadblocks to success, and resolve your financial fears and doubts, the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is for you. Learn to dream big and grow rich! Learn that satisfying work is just as easy to attract as miserable jobs and pay. Learn how to change your poverty habits into a gold mine! Learn to tap into the power within. I did! I recommend the program to everyone who dreams of wealth, financial success, happiness, and achieving their goals!"

Raynard Zollo CPA, MBA - Associate Professor of Accounting, Tobin School of Business, St. John’s University

“It is my great pleasure in expressing my gratitude for the work you have done with me. It is truly a life changing experience! A feeling of confidence, a feeling of understanding and a feeling of peace has come over me. As a professional musician confidence is of the utmost. Offers are coming in! I'm being called constantly to perform and "bagfuls of money are pouring in". I realize that as important as money is to me, the biggest change is in my Spiritual self. I feel completely grounded in who I AM. To be able to focus intently on who I AM brings about all things for my life and my work. My fingers now fly across the piano keys with an assuredness that I've never before experienced. New and better harmonies come forth on their own. I focus on the music that comes through me to be a blessing to others, and to be open to new musical experience as the creative opportunities keep coming! I am so grateful to you, Melissa, for your assistance and for the work you are doing. The Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program is the best!”

Ernestine H - Professional Pianist/Concept Therapy Beamer, Chattanooga, Tennessee

"I had to write to you and tell you what has happened! I have been putting in an image for WEALTH. I have followed the steps as the Wealth Program suggests. I have been working it for several months now. Since first receiving my transcript, I've been carrying it with me everyday. I go to sleep imaging I am abundantly wealthy and/or someone very close to me will be. I imaged the joy and peace of mind I would have regarding finances. I put myself in the present and said to myself THE MONEY CAME. I had a dream that the money came. I also felt better mentally and emotionally. I stayed faithful to the outcome and continually told myself that THE MONEY CAME and that I am abundantly wealth. And Guess What? THE MONEY CAME. Wow, did the money come. 3 million dollars. Yes, three million dollars has come into my family. How incredibly joyful I am. I have been imaging this very moment and I realized it. I feel so blessed. As Melissa said: "A things are possible if you believe and you live from your present memory". You have my permission to use this as a testimonial. This was a genuine life altering experience. Thank you."

Jane R, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

"My money image came in BIG TIME! I did the best financial deal I've ever done. I am completely out of debt (including my car payment) - 1 mortgage @ 6 3/ in the bank. I have a part-time job now that gives me some spending money and I feel the best I've felt in years. Thank God, me and Present Memory!"

Betty M - Actress, Los Angeles, CA

"I have been made aware in a major way (once again) how powerful images are. My money images have been in for a long time and I catch glimpses of hope now and then, but money has been coming to me "easily and unexpectedly" in recent weeks that has been truly awesome. It's testament to, not only my belief in Spiritual Law and my persistence in 'keeping the faith' even in the face of no immediate evidence that anything makes any sense at all, as well as the brilliance of Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program. It inspired me never to give up.I wanted you to know that."

Melanie N, Los Angeles, CA

“3 years ago, I decided to leave my 9 to 5 job and star my own display company. Within the last 2 years of using Present Memory's program, I have tripled my income as I continue to expand my ideas and my company. The audio program from Present Memory engages me in an ever changing creative experience that I look forward to every morning and every night.”

Tom D - President - 3 D Illustrations, New Jersey

"The Present Memory program "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money" CD is fabulous! I feel like this program is the answer to my prayers.”

Andrea R - Artist, former social worker, Trumbull, CT

To read more about how Melissa has changed people’s lives through her unique techniques, check out her testimonials, or if you would like to speak to Melissa Zollo about how Image Repatterning could help you, please get in touch today.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.