Questions and Answers



You indicate the importance of knowing how to apply Spiritual Laws. Please explain why.

3D reality sees life as a battle. Fight. Flight. Freeze. Speaking only for myself, life cannot be played successfully without knowledge of Spiritual Laws in order to expect right outcomes. So you see, we must train our Imaging Faculty because a person who invests in learning how the Universe operates according to Law, coupled with their mindset trained to manifest only worthy visions, will summon — health, wealth, true friends, greater means of self-expression, love and their highest ideals. The realm of right ideas can’t be found in the realm of ego mind. They are rooted in the Higher Mind. The Imaginal Dynamic is not some marketing hack. It is about training your Imagination and understanding the workings of your mind.

What is the purpose of Energy Clearing?

The purpose of Energy Clearing is to free your stuck, stagnant, stalled or bound energy. Think of it this way, it takes energy to hold onto your conflicts. Until cleared and released, your Life Energy isn’t fully available to support your body and your health. Energy Clearing supports you in your endeavor to realize your potential and live your life to the fullest.

Can Energy Clearing help me with my stress?

Yes. One of the fathers of stress management suggested that we think of our body as our own personal checking account. Stress is an overdrawn check on your account. Clearing low frequency emotions is like removing the freeze on your account so that your funds are available to you and your energy can flow.

What can I expect to feel from an Energy Clearing session?

First of all, Energy Clearing sessions allow you to find out where you are holding energy and once more make it available to you. The Imaginal Dynamic is rooted in Spiritual Law. Therefore, one of the many benefits from an Energy Clearing sessions is that you should feel lighter, more relaxed, more capable of dealing with “the unexpected curve balls” that life throws at you. Spiritual Guidance is the safest, most professional and supportive means of feeling more at peace with yourself and life.

What do you mean by Spiritual in relationship to healing.

Speaking only for myself, I choose to see my life through a Spiritual Lens. For me, the entire Universe is Spiritual. All healing is Spiritual Healing. I seek to heal pain with Spiritual Truth because I know that there is nothing fixed or permanent about pain.

Our individuality lives in Divine Presence. IT is not touched by pain, illness, poverty, or bondage to ignorance. If we lived honestly, we’d know that there is something we’re harboring in Consciousness that needs to be shifted, cleared, released etc. in order to allow ourselves to uplift into frequencies of Love, Light, Truth, and Wisdom.

Spiritual Mind Treatment sessions deal with waking to the “Truth of Being” and triumphing over pain, weakness, sorrow, fear, weariness. Can youmagine knowing and living by the “Truth of Painless Being?

Is knowing Spiritual Laws important?

Understanding Spiritual Truth and knowing how to apply the Universal Laws of Life is vital to the one who is ready to move beyond bondage, darkness, suffering and the enslavement to appearances. One goal is to utilize the Wisdom of the Ages with the intention of applying realizations to daily life. Another goal is to seek and make the frequency of wholeness, harmony and happiness part of your everyday reality.

What’s unique about the formula used?

The unique combination of Energy Clearing and Image Re-patterning for healing, manifestation and transformation gives you a new way to dissolve stress and conflict at your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It is sourced by the Living Spirit, and guided by the Innate Intelligence that exists within every living cell of the body and in every corner of the Universe. Dr. Melissa is a Certified Energy Kinesiologist who using energy testing methods to listen to the body. The body doesn’t lie.

The Imaginal Dynamic is based on “walking and leaping” into empowered self-mastery. It encourages you to understand Divine Principles, expand awareness and live as a conscious patternmaker of your life. As I am Ordained and Certified Metaphysical Mind Practitioner, I know that I AM the individual expression of the Divine, therefore I turn within for spiritual guidance, healing, direction, and right action for myself and for each soul (person) who comes to me seeking assistance.

Spiritual Healing leads us out of suffering and guides us into undefeatable faith, mental clarity, and flow. It not only heals the distress within, it heals our body and soul.

Please tell me some of the fears that can be dealt with with Energy Clearing.

Fears that can be cleared include but are not limited to Energy Clearing are:

  • Fear of being found out

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear of not being good enough and always having to measure up

  • Fear of poverty

  • Fear of betrayal

  • Fear of being alone

  • Fear of trusting self or others

  • Fear of growing older

  • Fear of Weight Issues

  • Fear related to abandonment, self-doubt

  • Fear of addictions that may relate to drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, sex and relationships

If there is a key to the Imaginal Dynamic? If so, what is it?

The Imaginal Dynamic gives seekers the Key to Empowered Self-Mastery. It opens the Secret Door of Success and Radiant Well Being, by using Truth Principles, the Universal Laws of Manifestation, and the Power of Imagination. The Imaginal Dynamic gives the Manifestation Process. It takes you from where you are to where you dream of being.

How long has Dr. Melissa worked with the Imaginal Dynamic?

Dr. Melissa has a Ph.D and is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister. She is a Certified Spiritual Mind Treatment Practitioner as well as a Certified Energy Kinesiologist, and Ancient Life Flow Practitioner with over thirty-five plus years of experience and study. She has a proven track record and specializes in facilitating healing of the body, mind, soul, and spirit using Spiritual Principles, the transformative Power of Imagination and innovative Image Re-patterning and Energy Clearing techniques. With Dr. Melissa, you'll clear emotional habits of lack and limitation that bind you to the past, move forward with a transformed Abundance Mindset and self-image, find your life's purpose and live the best version of yourself. In her own words: “I am a street smart, spirit wise signpost, pointing people back to themselves.”

What do I need to bring to an Energy Clearing Session?

Identify and bring the current issue you most want to address. If you can’t identify it, share the feeling, or identify of any person, place or thing involved. If you’re still blocked, no problem. As long as you have a desire to know and release yourself from it, Dr. Melissa will use Energy Kinesiology and connect with “The One Who Knows” within you, as nothing and no one has any power to stop accessing IT for clarity and the answers you seek.

What does Dr. Melissa’s Imaginal Dynamic Method help with?

Dr. Melissa’s method helps you unlock your true potential and:

  • Tap into the Power of Awareness

  • Clear the Unwanted

  • Rise Into Higher Frequencies

  • Master Solution Based Thinking

  • Repattern your subconscious mind

  • Manifest Right Results

    Whether you're seeking personal healing, career advancement, or financial prosperity, Dr. Melissa's sessions guide you to harness your inner creative power, clear mental blocks, and manifest the life you've always imagined.

I’ve tried other methods and received no results. Can image-repatterning help me?

Dr. Melissa’s The Imaginal Dynamic is a Life-Changing Journey into the best version of you and an opportunity to …

  • Awaken your true power by aligning with the Living Spirit — Tap the Miracle Power Within. Heal from minor ailments. Cultivate emotional resilience. Strengthen the bonds of a loving relationship. Attract the right partner and harmonious relationships. Choose happiness and live your life’s purpose

Dr. Melissa combines the mystical with the practical and gives the benefit of her knowledge as an Imagist, Mentor, Counselor, Certified Spiritual Mind Practitioner, Certified Energy Kinesiologist, and Certified Ancient Life Flow Practitioner to nurture seeker, like you, in the “laboratory of Imagination”.

If you have an open mind, a receptive heart, and a desire to heal and move forward in a natural way, this work is for you. The Imaginal Dynamic is the royal road to mental causation.

What is one thing that stops people from changing themselves from the inside out?

Anytime you want to make your life better, whether it’s with a small change or a big financial transformation, there’s one step that 99% of the population fail to make, and that one step keeps many people stuck in their past. This one courageous step is the act of making TIME. It takes time and space to find the image/solution, accept the new imprint, raise your vibration, let go of what no longer serves you in order to receive the changes you seek to manifest. Without a strong commitment to making time for self, many remain blamers and past-a-holics.  

Can I substitute another word for Imagination?

Yes absolutely. Here are a few ideas. Consciousness, the Divine One, Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, I AM Presence, God, Eternal Light, Eternal Love, Eternal Wisdom, the Source of All That Is, the Living Spirit which awakens your heart, the One Who Knows and leads you beyond the limitations of the Mental Realm into the Realm of the Wondrous, Higher Frequencies and Perfect Ideas.

What are we surrounded by?

We are surrounded by Life Force Vitality, the Living Spirit, Substance. And Substance is always taking the form of supply. It manifests your dominate images, thoughts, feelings, self-talk, and words.

Is an Energy Clearing session related to Spiritual Growth?

Yes. Energy Clearing is a process of purification and growth on the Spiritual, Mental, and EmotIonal levels of your being. It acknowledges and clears non-beneficial energies. This can include energies in your Field, energies around you, and energies directed at you

Why is Dr. Melissa’s company called Present Memory?

Dr. Melissa called her company Present Memory because she understands that the present moment is a gift. The words Present Memory remind us to keep our attention and focus directed towards that which is in tune with the fulfillment of our dreams rather then dwell on painful past memories or future moments. The power to create is always anchored in the here and now in your present memory.

Why do you say that you are a signpost pointing people back to themselves.

Speaking from my experience, I know that you can never be truly satisfied until you discover that you are what you are seeking.

What is Dr. Melissa’s work and programs about?

Dr. Melissa’s work is about your power filled imagination, awareness and your I AM consciousness. It invites you to: believe in your self; develop a more in depth and expanded awareness of God within you; and understand how your beliefs and memory affect your life. It is based on the simple truth that Imagination creates reality, and that there is no such thing as chance or coincidence.  Knowing this truth can help set people free from the illusion of appearances and a god outside of self.  Images, inner blueprints, beliefs and feelings cause you to create or attract people, situations, and events that you experience as your life. Most of us need assistance as we navigate the world within, and the world without. Dr. Melissa offers one on one sessions and navigational tools that help a person move through some unsheltered regions of their own mind as they focus and image consciously and creatively.  William Blake once said:” Man is all Imagination and God is man and exists in us and we in him. “The Eternal Body of Man is the Imagination”. Dr. Melissa’s work explores this idea.

What is the goal of Dr. Melissa’s programs?

The goal is to inspire, support and educate people to Spiritual Truths as they undertake the task of identifying themselves as a spiritual being; to encourage them to uplift their thinking and apply Spiritual Principles; and to become a “conscious manifestor” without doubt. Her programs give the individual the freedom to explore their own belief system and modify or radically change beliefs and mental images that no longer serve them.

What is an Imagist and how does an Imagist differ from other types of spiritual teachers or leaders?

An imagist is someone who knows thought is creative. They’re aware of what they are weaving; therefore they know what they are creating.  An imagist knows that Imagination is the creative power and when consciously used all things become possible even the impossible. She differs from others in that her focus is totally on the Inner Self; States of Consciousness and Intentional Creation, Universal Law rather then rituals, intermediaries, amulets and channeling.

What is an image?

An image is a mental picture of something. These pictures are the basis for what we call external reality. Most of us have our mental cameras out of focus. We are living through the images or mental blueprints of other people’s dreams or nightmares. Many people are in the habit of imaging, thinking, feeling, and acting from the worst case scenarios when it comes to their finances, relationships, career and most important of all their health.

How important are our imaginal activities?

Your life is dominated by your images, thoughts and feelings. Everything you are attracting — your sorrows, your joy, your misery, your happiness, your problems, your solutions all began as an imaginal act planted or impressed onto your deeper mind. Fixed ideas or mental blueprints become habits and you become enslaved to repeat them until you choose to clear your inner garden and plant something else.  Imaginal activities are creative. Your imaginal activities are very important.

Can you explain this a little more?

Every person needs to be informed and educated about the Healing Law of Imaging and how it works if they really want to change the results they attract. This means the minister, thief, doctor, patient, wife and husband must become aware of what they are doing within themselves. Because until you acknowledge how you are creatively using or misusing the Principle of Imaging and Law of Identical Harvest, you will repel a harmonious outcome and continue to blame effects.

What is the law of Identical Harvest?

The easiest way of explaining the Law of Identical Harvest is: “If you plant corm you don’t get tomatoes.”

The Law of Identical Harvest explains that the thoughts you accept into your deeper mind produce the situations, conditions, and events that you attract. You cannot harvest or attract what you do not plant and all thoughts and beliefs are planted in your imagination.

·      Cause and effect. You Sow and reap regardless

·     You plant a seed and spirit builds the form.

·      You plant corn you don’t get tomatoes. You plant success you don’t get failure.

The thoughts you choose to habitually and emotionally return to, expand, grow, and multiply in your experiences. Fixed ideas become habits and you become enslaved to repeat them until you plant something else.

 What is the big secret you would like to share with people

The big secret that most people have difficulty grasping is this: LOOK WITHIN. Stop looking outside yourself for solutions and answers. The Law of Consciousness explains that it is one’s own awareness of what they lack that produces more poverty experiences into their life. Likewise the awareness of wealth, success, healing and love attracts more riches and solutions into ones life.

How important is a person’s self-image?

It is the key to what you think you can do. Once you know how to change it, you will affect your behaviour, and overcome many of your limitations.

Why is it important to consciously image?

Not knowing how to consciously image leaves you vulnerable to past imprints and being swept away by limiting beliefs and the conventional opinion of the masses. Conscious imaging is the most powerful treatment there is. Think about this. Infinite intelligence created every living thing. It is limitless and everywhere present and it knows no obstacles. “The Infinite Cannot Fail and neither can you” (once you know how to apply the Laws of Life)

How is Imaging different from wishing or hoping?

Wishing and hoping for something is different from claiming and knowing something is true. When I wish for something I am saying I don’t have it, I want it, and wanting implies lack.  When I image I feel as though I have received and so I surrender my desire and live in expectation of my good. A dream-seed in and of itself can’t produce anything, but fertilize it with your feelings and it will produce an effect.

What do you mean by prayer?

Praying to me is another word for imaging. It is the act of communicating with the Living Spirit.

Why did Dr. Melissa create the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation program?

Many people do not know how to apply Spiritual Principles. Dr. Melissa knows first hand that it can be challenging to override a habit and make a shift in Consciousness. She originally created them to help herself.

Am I a creative agent?

Yes.  Everything in your world is woven within you by the Inner You. You intentionally choose an image or idea and act in consciousness and the world responds. Money, wealth, riches, success, health are yours if you know how to use Universal Law. .

With whom are we Co-creating?

God, I AM Presence, the Source of All That Is, the Undivided One, That which has no name. As you learn to turn within to your own wonderful human imagination and feast on lovely thoughts and images you will create a world of joy, love, peace and wealth. Plus you will know how to fulfil your desires and dreams. As you become aware of the Inner You, the Power of Imagination and the Power of Consciousness, you will become aware of your creative power and begin to experience right results in your life

Does Imaging always work?

The Infinite cannot fail. Your dominant beliefs always manifest according to how you use the Laws of Life. Another question might be, can people abort their dream and the answer is yes. It happens all the time. They turn back. They give up in the face of adversity. They seem to be governed by habit rather than a strong desire for Spiritual Upliftment. . Let me say, here and now Habit is strong but it is not more powerful then Spiritual Principles.

Why do people fail?

Fear. Self-doubt. An embattled mentality does not have a corresponding feeling of well-being or success. Some people have difficulty detaching from a painful memory or destructive emotions. They haven’t learned how to capture the feeling of success or they can’t direct their mind into a harmonious state of awareness. They lack confidence in their own ability to think a new idea, act and attract from it.

What else can block desires from becoming reality?

Repressed unresolved emotions.  Unresolved past memories. Remaining a past-a-holic.  Holding onto what you don’t want because you don’t know how to let go and move forward.  As long as you allow a past memory to remain in place you will continue to allow the past to be your point of attraction.

Talk about body and soul.

You are a living soul with a mind and a body to use creatively and constructively.   Close your eyes and you are pure imagination. You have the power to image, think, feel, speak and choose. You are created in the image of Victorious Presence and surrounded by substance. Within every living form there is Infinite Intelligence and it is capable of receiving an impression and responding to it. Your body is always in a state of becoming according to the images and feelings you are in tune with. The body doesn’t lie.

According to the Imaginal Dynamic what do you need for a dream to turn into reality?

  • A dream is an inspiring “mental image, picture or blueprint” that focuses your attention and energizes your thoughts and emotions, empowering you to take right action. This is from the Imaginal Dynamic Way i.e. a Spiritual Perspective

What do my dreams coming true show me besides getting something?

  • When a dream of yours comes true, it is an indication that the hand of the Living Spirit is at work and the entire Universe is connected. Manifestation has nothing to do with coincidence.

What do you mean by the Realm of the Wondrous.

  • For me, the Realm of the Wondrous in the realm of Inspiration, Illumination and Revelation. To rise into this realm, also known as the Kingdom Within, one works with the Power of the Living Spirit, Infinite Intelligence as IT and only IT knows the way of fulfillment.

What will I learn by having an Image Repatterning Session?

You will learn to harness the Power of the Mental Over the Physical. Image Repatterning is a transformational method that:

  • Sets forces into motion

  • Integrates your body, mind, soul, and spirit.

  • Helps you lead a more vibrant life by buffering life's challenges.

  • Encourages looking within rather than outside for solutions.

Benefits Include:

  • Expressing health and happiness

  • Overcoming challenges using spiritual principles

  • Alleviating suffering

  • Attracting money

  • Securing lawful desires from life

  • Enjoying greater peace of mind


By employing Cosmic Principles. Dr. Melissa’s work is all about MindSet Mastery. She offers sessions that include Spiritual Healing Treatments, Energy Clearing, Image Re-patterning, Memory Reconciliation, SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique), and Ancient Life Energy Flows . Each in their way enhances awareness, and assists you to heal, prosper, and align with your destiny.

Does age have to do with my taking command of my internal creative power?

No, age has nothing to do with taking control of your internal power. It's your spiritual birth right to command your internal creative power, life pattern, and energy flow. This involves aligning with Universal Laws of Success, moving beyond routine thought patterns and rising ito a manifestation mindset.

How is the Imaginal Dynamic different?

It's based on Universal Principles. We were given the Laws of Life to help ourselves access Infinite Intelligence and our internal creative power to:

  • Act as a powerful change agent.

  • Rediscover strengths, build confidence, clear energy disturbances, expand awareness, and release emotional and spiritual blockages.

  • Understand and trust the manifestation process and maintain new outlooks until goals materialize.

How can I feel supported when challenges are overwhelming? What do you offer in terms of supporting clients?

Feeling supported from within is vital. Having survived a devastating head injury I speak from experience when I say, regardless of what you feel, “do not give up.” Start now because with consistent application of the Imaginal Dynamic, support will come. You can:

  • Gain conscious control over your mental images, beliefs, and emotions.

  • I offer one-on-one sessions, speaking engagements, online courses, imaginars, the WonderBloom newsletter, and the Sovereign Soul Study Group to break free from old patterns. Avail yourself of them if you resonate with my message

Is there more than one Universal Healing Principle?

There is one Universal Life Force and Healing Principle which acts on our thoughts, images, and emotions. The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, empowering you to shift from an unwanted paradigm to one filled with confidence and victory.

What Can I expect from using the Imaginal Dynamic?

You can expect to:

  • Overcome fears related to past, present, and future.

  • Gain freedom from toxic beliefs and emotions, allowing you to move forward.

  • Become magnetically positive, one of the happiest individuals, focused on successful living.

  • Command your mindset, removing mental blocks to achieve your goals.

  • Utilize the Law of Correspondence to increase wealth.

  • Embrace your natural blueprint for health.

  • Work in harmony with the Creative Power, led by Infinite Intelligence.

Can I Dare to Dream when appearances shout no, it's not possible?

Yes dare to dream. Your dreams are calling you. Let me ask you, “What Would You Dare to Dream If You Knew You Could Not Fail?”

I encourage you to recognize yourself as a choice maker and dream maker. This method of solution based thinking blends the mystical with practical knowledge to promote harmony and balance through Universal Laws of Consciousness, Vibration, Attraction, Polarity and Correspondence. Begin now to live in present moment awareness.

Final Thoughts: 

Sessions with Dr. Melissa provide simple truths for dealing with past issues, healing, and stepping into a brighter future. Ask yourself if you're committed to taking charge of your mindset, addressing habits, and shifting into new realities. This work suits those with an open mind, receptive heart, and a desire to heal naturally.