

Read the many success stories and reviews Dr. Melissa Zollo for has received for mentoring clients.


“We all have moments when we get in our own way. Dr. Melissa has a remarkable ability to mentor, keep you focused, ensuring you stay on track and reach your full potential. Working with her over the years has helped me harness my energy, stay focused, direct my attention towards what truly matters and triumph, becoming a winner in the most important game of all, life.

True happiness comes when you're working at the outer edges of your capabilities and stretching yourself to be more than you ever were in the past.

Nothing is impossible. Last year, the team kicked a field goal with two seconds to go to win the game!!!

If you want to go the distance, succeed, achieve and keep your business booming, I highly recommend mentoring sessions with Dr. Melissa.

Bruce Gradkowski
Former NFL Quarterback
Football Coach

“My career in sales is a very challenging one. My year end production was up 81%since using the Discover the Power of Imagination program and having consultations with Melissa Zollo.”

George Stills, AXA Financial, Fortune 500 Company 
New York City, New York

"Investing in Melissa Zollo and her programs was the best thing I ever did for myself. They are worth a million dollars! I was able to wipe out $40,000 worth of debt in a few short months, by increasing my sales performance at work. As a result, I went from rags to riches and my dream to become the #1 sales rep in the country for my company has come true! Every business executive and BNI professional should be using Melissa’s invaluable advice and programs if they want to achieve all their financial goals and never worry about money again!"

Patty Jacque Account Executive
Business Network Int'l (BNI)

“My dream to receive a million dollar research fund has come true! Melissa Zollo's work is producing profound results in all aspects of my life!"

Professor Deborah Nightingale
Dept of Aeronautics and Engineering Systems Division
Director, Lean Aerospace Initiative, MIT
Boston, MA

“A year and a half ago I was introduced to Melissa Zollo's audio program Discover the Power of Imagination. Since using this powerful tool daily in my life, my understanding and application of the Laws of Success have dramatically deepened. The results were remarkable.

  • I created a wonderful sales team.

  • My department has tripled sales in a matter of 6 months.

  • The department went from $3000.00 a day in sales to 10,000.00 a day for the first time ever, breaking all previous records!

  • Natural Living bonus's for my staff are up.

  • All of the sales of the vendors who sell their products through my department have gone up. One vendor reported that her sales are up $114% from last year.

I use all of the Present Memory audio programs, attend seminars and clinics and listen in on all teleseminars. If you work her programs, they will work for you! Melissa Zollo delivers.

Kim Dasilva, Manager Natural Living Department Wild Oats
Andover MA

"I recently faced a crisis that threatened my livelihood and business.Upon arrival at my office I discovered that my computer was missing. I felt a sense of loss and disbelief that this was happening to me. My computer is my lifeline to my business. Instead of dissolving into the state of loss I decided to put spiritual principles to the test. I let the feelings of loss wash over me and then took action.

I consulted with Melissa Zollo and immediately was advised to set an image. Melissa said, '"Feel the computer". After speaking with Melissa, I knew I had to rise up out of the state of loss in order to feel a deep sense of trust and gratitude. I was made aware that I must unify with my image in order to move through any doubts that might appear to test me.

In my image, I felt, saw, and touched my computer at my desk and gavethanks morning, noon, and night that it was there. On a practical level I knew I had to notify the police and speak to others concerning the situation. I noticed that instead of focusing on solution, many people wanted to tell me their stories of loss. I refused to engage in these conversations. I let people know I expected a solution and wasn't upset. I knew I had to maintain a prosperity consciousness. I knew I needed to stay calm and grateful if a solution was to manifest. At night I listened to Sweet Dreams from the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program in order to feel a sense of peacefulness and trust that I was safe, secure, and protected.

Three days later, I went to my office intent on living in the image. I closed my eyes and felt that my computer was there and working. When I opened my eyes I saw a computer technician walking into the office. He asked about my computer. Within five minutes and he gave me an extra computer that he owned. He also reloaded all my files and literally put me back in business and ALL AT NO CHARGE. The image had manifested. Spirit delivered! I imaged, believed and received because I took the time to learn how to train my mind and IMAGE FIRST. I cannot say enough about Melissa Zollo and her work. She is a great example of truth, decency, determination and inspiration.

If you are willing to learn how to tap into your courage, and trust deeply in the Power Within You, the process of imaging will produce results. I am so grateful to Melissa Zollo for her dedication to living truth principles. I urge you to move beyond the current fad with Law of Attraction coaches, non-physical teachers, and internet marketing guru's and develop your skills by learning how to manifest results from a woman who walks her talk."

Betsey Beaven
Author, Consultant, Chef
Andover, MA

"Everything you need to succeed in business is in Melissa Zollo's seminars! She gives you the foundation and working principles for a successful blueprint. After attending her seminar, I Can Be Successful And I Will and using both her Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money CD's everyday, I now have a great attitude and have significantly increased my income. In fact, I recently doubled my income in just two weeks from what normally would have taken me two months to do!"

Michael Bastien, Investor
Hudson, NH

"As CEO of the Concept-Therapy Institute Inc. I would like to take this opportunity and highly recommend a very valuable program -- the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program. To say that listening to these programs is a "breath of fresh air" is truly an understatement! Their effect on my psyche is more like a "tidal wave of relaxation." Please avail yourself of the opportunity to grow and develop your "inner awareness" by using the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program."

Warren McKenney, CEO Concept-Therapy Institute, Inc. San Antonio TX

"The Present Memory Power of Imagination deep relaxation and soothing sleep audio program is helping me to manage work related stress by teaching me the values of taking time out to relax and revitalize. They have improved the quality of my life."

Robert A. Cervoni, CFO 
Weeden & Co., L.P. 
New York Stock Exchange

"I truly believe that Melissa Zollo has the insight and knowledge that rivals some of the greatest motivator's of our time. Her use of imagery to create and develop the mind is truly a talent that I believe will change the way we think about our thoughts."

Brian J. Henderson - CEO/Owner, Mind Altering Strategies, LLC & Gregory Turner, President & CEO, Abundant Solutions Enterprises, Inc.

"The seminar I Can Be Successful And I Will with Melissa Zollo was fantastic! I have attended the most sought after in European management education and American Ivy League education, yet this was the best seminar I've seen when it comes to personal and professional success."

Lars Noreng
Management Consultan
Owner of Right Media Mix
Windham, NH

"I rushed back from Italy and went directly from the airport to participate in Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic. I didn't want to miss a single session of such an extremely valuable and rewarding experience, which has positively impacted both my personal relationships and business life. If you are in business and want to learn how to create a 'force field' that attracts everything you need to realize your goals and how to become more successful, positive and optimistic in your life please avail yourself of Melissa Zollo's workshops. Also, The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Attract Money audio programs are contemporary and important tools to help anyone in business build excellent customer relationships, perform more successfully, focus on service excellence, increase sales, and most importantly strengthen an inner sense of well being and happiness."

Brian Jevremov
Owner of Imports and Distribution of European Kitchen and Home Furnishings

"I attended Melissa Zollo's very informative seminar, "I Can Be Successful, And I Will". Ms Zollo reinforced concepts I knew but in a much deeper way which I have immediately applied in both my personal and professional life. Her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program and seminars together give you the central and most important tools anyone in business needs to succeed."

Denise Roy
Certified Public Accountant
Roy & Rurak
North Andover, MA

“Melissa Zollo is a great inspiration to anyone wanting to focus on new directions to attract rewarding results. A powerful speaker, Zollo communicates how unlimited success starts in the imagination. Her Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is essential and invaluable. Entrepreneurs around the world will benefit from listening to Zollo in person or on her CD program.”

Sal Cumella MD
Executive Producer for Award Winning "Women for Women" Radio Show

"Even as a novice in the application of Melissa Zollo’s program, Discover the Power of Imagination, I can enthusiastically recommend it to any small business owner or entrepreneur. he practical tools that Melissa provides have already helped me to find the most positive ways to achieve the goals I set every day to fulfill the business vision I have."

Bob Wescott, Business Network Int'l (BNI)
Owner of Copilabs, Methuen, MA

"Belief in our ability to achieve, imagining the opportunities these beliefs will present, and actually accomplishing them, is the foundation to success. Melissa Zollo's presentation on "Art of Intentional Creation" provided me with tangible, practical tools to reset my thinking and manage my own individual plan for success so as to manifest my personal and professional goals."

Eunice Stern, Customer Care Center Manager,
Volvo Cars of North America, LLC

"The Discover the Power of Imagination program provides an opportunity for sales people to determine their goals, focus, and reap the rewards! 2 thumps’ up!"

Ally Conley, Account Executive
Country Life, South Boston, MA

"I recently used Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination CD's and imaged for a new health facility. I wanted a beautiful space to expand my business and it manifested almost overnight. It was amazing! I love my new space and so do my clients. Since using her CD's my business has increased rapidly. I love Melissa's work because it works! Every doctor, health care practitioner, and person seeking optimum health should use her programs."

Dr. Temna Jacabo ND
Andover Center for Reflexology and Nutrition
Andover, MA

"After attending Melissa Zollo's wonderful and powerful workshop I was inspired to use her Discover the Power of Imagination program to "image" for a raise. It worked! I not only got the raise but it came in even higher than I had imagined! I am a single commuting Mom and Melissa's work keeps me on track everyday. Everyone needs this invaluable audio program."

Kimberly Palko, Software Engineer
Hudson, New Hampshire

"Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is easy to listen to, follow, and is extremely informative. She is on the money as far as being a great source of inspiration. Melissa's work has helped me increase my business and as a result I look forward to each day with a positive attitude. I love her work!"

Rocco Leone
Video Production, Duplication, and Digital Photography
Waterbury, CT

"Discover the Power of Imagination CD program is fantastic. Melissa takes it all the way and gives you the tools to redesign your life: your health, work, relationships, financial status, etc. Her audio program is extremely powerful and transforming. It is not a motivational program or program that tells you what to think, it is a program that let's "you" create your own reality."

Sue Imhoff
Marketing and Sales Consultant
Andover, MA

“Melissa Zollo is an inspiring speaker with a very focused message. She has developed a method of attacking and overcoming any reasonable challenge. This can be an invaluable tool for use on either a personal or business level. The potential reward (reaching your goal) far outweighs the risk (cost of the program). I was impressed with Melissa and the results she has achieved.”

Roy Anderson
Retired Dun & Bradstreet Executive
Darien, CT

"Working on a trading floor for one of the top firms on Wall Street, I truly know what it is like to experience stress in my everyday work environment. The Present Memory CD’s, have become a valuable tool for me. I have seen the effect I can have on my co-workers and clients when I have used Present Memory to its fullest; I have heard the resulting laughter, instead of grumbling, in these tense surroundings. The power and pleasure one experiences when they are in control of their emotions and dealing with them to their benefit is awesome and of great benefit to me in both my professional and personal life."

M. O' Healy 
New York City

"Melissa Zollo is an inspiration! And she is much, much more. Melissa gives us tools to change our thinking and by extension change our lives. Melissa gave me the image (success blueprint) to double the number of clients who work with me. By using the tools in the How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money audio program, I turned that blueprint into reality in a few short months."

Michelle Spinner
Certified Pilates, Gyrotonic®, and Gyrokinesis® Trainer
New York City

"Less than one week after purchasing the Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination CD's I applied the techniques that Melissa teaches to a piece of property that I wanted to buy. I was one of seven builders bidding on this very coveted real estate. I won the bid, even though my bid was lower than some! I believe that this program was key in my success! I would highly recommend it to any one who is trying to change their life. I also enjoyed her teleseminar which gave me much deeper insight on how to achieve my goals in all aspects of my life. Just listening to Melissa you can feel her dedication to people who are now part of the Present Memory family! Thank You!"

Richard E. Warsin
Norwalk, CT

"I have been using Melissa Zollo's powerful audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination and I recently manifested a great job! I wanted to have a better schedule with better pay and by working her program I created it. I love Melissa's work and I highly recommend anyone in sales use it."

Ally Conley
Twin Lab Sales Rep
South Boston, MA

"When you have a daily routine filled with impossible deadlines and hordes of people adamantly supporting opposing points of view, it helps to have the resources of Present Memory. The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a comfort, a source for renewing energy and centering that is of immeasurable worth in an increasingly hectic business world."

Mary Ellen Kenny
Senior V.P. Advertising Agency
New York

“As a computer consultant, my knowledge of creative visualization has enabled me to complete assignments that before seemed impossible. Recently, I had agreed to an assignment that was outside of my then current area of expertise. I was nervous, apprehensive, and tentative in my approach. Utilizing the Discover the Power of Imagination audio tools I was able to overcome my self doubt and develop a masterpiece computer system for the client. I learned a programming language in less then seventy-two hours. The remarkable thing about that was that I never knew a programming language before. Please feel free to use this as testimonial support for your product.”

R. Biondolillo 
Computer Consultant, New York, New York

"The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is a sure fire prescription for sanity and success."

Tom Gramegna
President - Bergen County Camera, Inc.
Westwood, New Jersey

"I work too hard and too long -- mostly because I love running my company. Present Memory is one of the few gifts I give myself. Listening to the Power of Imagination audio program and participating in the techniques reduces my stress, relaxes me and gives me perspective and joy to take back to everyday work."

Eric Miller, President/Owner
Alert Publishing, Inc. 
New York

"After 30 years of serving the public and dealing with the pressures involved in running a successful restaurant business, I have finally found something that helps me to relax. The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination audio program. I use them every day and I am feeling so much better!" "I recommend them to everyone in business."

Paul & Maria Natalucci 
Restaurateurs - Alfredo's, La Scala, Paulo's Continental Cuisine 
Palm Beach County, Florida

“The Discover the Power of Imagination audio program explains how the mind works - how it processes mental suggestions. It reinforces tangible steps to root out old belief systems and outdated methods of conducting business and suggests ways to plant and foster productive mental seeds.”

T. Thomassie
HBO Program Specialist

“The Present Memory audio programs are instrumental in maintaining a state of health and relaxation in a highly stressful business life and help with directing thoughts and emotions towards one's aims in spite of internal distractions. They act as a litmus test, showing that you can control thoughts and feelings which actually have controlled one's self.”

J. Houshmand
General Manager - Clark Construction

“Dear Melissa,

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with our retailers last night.The conference call was enlightening and helped many! You provided a process for transformation of overcoming our fears and doubts. As you described, this is especially true for many of us around our third week in our business when the euphoria of our decision to change our lives is dissipating and the doubts and fears from our past habits and conditioning start raising their ugly heads again. People now have a process and mechanism to work through them and fly above them! Thank you, thank you. I've already received phone calls and emails about the impact this had on many people who were experiencing their "first storm at sea" as you called it.”

Jason Bryn

Founder True Vision, Submit Advisor Liberty League

Winning Edge Enterprizes

"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on how to move beyond doubts and create successful blueprints was excellent. The response from our True Vision business team and participants was overwhelmingly positive. Ms Zollo's hands-on energetic approach, and her specific examples took Spiritual Principles to new levels of understanding. She was very encouraging, and inspired all of us to feel uplifted and motivated in order to better help our clients. The Present Memory CD programs are excellent support tools for anyone in the personal development field. I recommend them to everyone who has a desire to turn their personal and financial dreams into reality. 2 thumbs up on Melissa Zollo, her teleseminars and audio programs!"

Margie Paul, CEO, Reach for Your Greatness
Springfield, VA

Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.