Overcoming Adversity
Through Imagination, & Universal Laws of Consciousness

No Ordinary Woman
An Aspect of Dr. Melissa’s Journey

I am a woman who does not give up in the face of adversity.

I lived through the Dark Night of the Soul, experiencing myself in an abyss, which I could not get out of on my own. I experienced the most unconscious wounds and darkest caves with stupefying courage, testing Spiritual Principles and the Power of Imagination in the face of a head injury and a poor prognosis.

My world was a revelation of the beliefs in which my Imagination existed.

I was alone without a strong support system. Suffering wanted to break me.

From the depths of consciousness, my pain screamed, “the world hurts and attacks me”. My heart softly replied, “keep going, don’t give up, in time you will turn the poison into invincible protection. It will encircle your body, mind, soul and spirit, empowering you to rise beyond the rejection, ills, limitations, and challenges of this world. Unlock your confidence. Trust. Believe. Know. Feel. You are already complete and whole.”

Without knowing it at the time, suffering was consistently leading me to deliverance from harm, loss, and a fractured self-image. Suffering rescued me, showing me the way to an alternate future of health, happiness, success, self-acceptance and self-love.

A new image arose. Live.


I made up my mind to define myself with a new self-image instead of the memories of my past. To do this I had to begin to empty the cup.

In order for something new to come something old must go.

Within me emerged the conviction to clear the chinks of emotional armor that bound me to fear, loss, ignorance, grief, anger and pain.

Let Go

Truth was at my door calling to me. “Let go. Let go of what you know. Let go of all the beliefs that inject fear, anger and sadness into your heart. Let go and absolutely refuse to endure any predictions of worst case scenarios and outcomes. Let go. Don’t look back.

The Way Forward continually challenged me to give up or overcome everything that was sent to crush me.

I am a street smart spirit wise woman. I viewed the crisis as an opportunity to test Spiritual Principles. I intentionally put the effort in to liberate myself from the doubts, demons and depth of bondage because I clearly felt the intrusion of the past into the present and how it diminished my emotional resilience. When old feelings triggered I was held in their grip. The past was clinging to me with its sorrows and fears.

Suffering a major loss and setback made me wonder about “mind nets” and what exactly was trapped in my subjective mind. It seemed like, all the programing my soul experienced from the instant my Divine Blueprint was formed until the present moment was in a discordant state. I was ready to change the landscape of my inner and outer life. I had to trust something bigger than my “linear, personality self.”

The heart of my healing process involved dealing honestly with my fragmented self, finding a way through the blocks of self-deception and accepting myself as I am, not as others saw me or wanted me to be.

The Search For Understanding

My way of walking this path of mind purification was to awaken Ancient Wisdom within. I did everything to nourish myself at higher and higher levels of Awareness and know myself in my greatest potential.

I engaged in image re-patterning and began to build a new self-image, experiencing the emotions of how I would feel when my true self emerged. It wasn’t easy but I knew it was possible.

Something deep within committed to the natural healing process working inside me. In order to support the process of transforming my energy, healing my mind, and rewiring my brain I needed to work differently with the subconscious mind. I persisted when the Truths of Life were at odds with all my old thoughts, habits, and opinions.

The Journey of Awakening Begins

I could never have endured the descent into darkness without previous knowledge of my I AM Presence, the Living Spirit, Divine Imagination, the Prime Mover of the Universe — visible and invisible, the Universal Laws of Manifestation and the Imaginal Dynamic: the ability to Image First, re-imagine and energy clear my Field.

The Pearl of Great Price

“I AM the Way to every manifestation in the World of Effects (objective reality). The activity of Imagination is the route to the Pearl of Great Price, Higher Mind and Realm of the Wondrous.”

- Melissa Zollo Ph.D

At the time of my descent into hell I was experiencing a low vibratory reality, in need of something to live through it. Challenged in every area of my life and tested to see if I trusted the Power of Imagination I was headed for a bumpy ride.

Those challenges were difficult and how I responded to them determined whether I was going up or down the vibratory scale. Massive changes began to occur in my beliefs, emotions, habits, patterns, behavior and external reality.

In order to rise to a higher vibratory level and transform my consciousness I had to face the challenges of my awakening experience or turn back to sleep. I couldn’t bare the thought of re-looping in the same old reality and so I persisted to look within, identify, clear and replace all discordant programs from this life (and possibly others) with harmonious programs to pay for the pearl.

No matter what I believed in as a power of influence in my life, I was called to surrender it.

Everyone in the world is using Creative Power but not many of us are aware of it.

Realm of the Wondrous

As the years passed I began to realize that my journey was taking me from bondage into realms of freedom, from suffering into miraculous healing, from fear of illness into a mindset of health, from darkness into the Realm of the Wondrous.

A profound awakening was occurring within the depths of Consciousness as my outer life continued to collapse.

I stood alone at the crossroads of possibilities, between death and life, between my ego and my soul, between ignorance and intention, between thinking of myself as the progeny of third dimensional reality or the incarnation of the Living, Victorious Presence.

I paid attention to the guidance I received in signposts. The choice was clear: Let go of the life that I was clinging to or die.

Nothing in me would give up as I faced each hurdle. Ultimately I understood that all of the negative habits and error patterns that weighed me down had to be cleared in consciousness or else I’d continue to suffer from the violation itself, not from any curse or retribution from another dimension, dark entity or vengeful god.

Chaos was mirroring my unconscious inherited and acquired imprints. These programs were running my subconscious mind and opposing alignment with my true self. As each toxic belief surfaced it was saying, “Look at me. Deal. Feel. Heal. Live.”

It took a combination of deep listening, Awareness of Being and the application of Universal Laws and Energy Clearing to release the destructive ideas and feelings, and repattern myself with harmonious ideas, and feelings of self-acceptance and love.

The Body Doesn’t Lie!

“Like Attracts Like. As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.”

In time I searched beyond the physical evidence of my five outer senses. I was dedicated to the purpose of freeing myself from the impact of memories, and emotions that robbed me of my health, relationships, vitality and life.

I knew the Laws of Life and accepted that I had violated them.

I like many others had been using the Laws to get things — more success, attract employment and to move forward, not to change my self-image, clear my energy field or find Divine Presence in myself — that came later.

Thoughts Create Results

I understood that if painful thoughts got me into the mess I found myself in, then my thoughts could free me. I repetitiously and systematically disciplined my thoughts to think from my Higher Mind, using my own audio program to image health. To this day, I continue to practice the Art of Image Re-patterning and Energy Clearing to move beyond old limits and boundaries and transform my life.

I am a Spiritual Energy Flowing Being

To support my journey within and change the paradigm that was running me from a physical material model to an energy spiritual model I did a lot of inner work. I persisted to image first to develop unwavering trust in myself and correct false choices that were inspired by fear of rejection, nagging doubt and loneliness.

I pledged to live in my new self-image and find my true destiny.

Energy expresses on all levels, spiritual, mental and physical.

  • The most important one is the spiritual level. The spiritual level is the realm of ideas and images — it’s the realm of causation.

  • The mental level is the realm of thoughts, emotions and feelings — that’s where most of humanity is stuck.

  • The physical level is the realm of the body, things and actions — it’s the realm of effects.

Knowing that I am an energy being, with the capacity to self-heal, I supported my body with non-invasive protocols. I did Five-Element Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Energy Kinesiology, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Iridology, nutrition and herbs. Years later I became an Ordained Metaphysical Minister with full rights, a Spiritual Mind Practitioner, an Energy Kinesiologist and an Ancient Life Flow Practitioner among other things to support myself and my clients.

For those of you who are new to Spiritual Healing, Metaphysics is the Art and Science of Being. It includes a knowledge of the Laws that govern Manifestation, the Source of All That Is, and one’s relationship to God.

During all those years I continued to work with people who were seeking guidance for gainful employment, greater success, financial security, anxiety attacks, deep grief, abandonment issues, freedom from self-doubt, perfectionism, harmonious relationships, Spiritual Healing and more.

Word of mouth spread and the request for lectures, speaking engagements, workshops, webinars, audio programs, radio interviews and newsletters emerged.

I now know that all healing is Spiritual Healing and all things are possible to the one who believes (knows).

Through the Imaginal Dynamic Method, I have witnessed the eradication of symptoms considered impossible to heal through Image Re-patterning, Energy Clearing and Spiritual Mind Treatments for others.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall!

Outer Reality is the mirror that Always Reflects the frequency of vibration.

The Mirror Never Lies.

It is from the background of loss and pain, and many decades of healing in Metaphysics and helping others that I now offer my services to you, Dear Reader.

If you resonate and understand the words I shared, kindly reach out. I am a street smart spirit wise signpost pointing people back to themselves.

With appreciation.

Rev. Melissa Zollo Ph.D



Probably all of us at some time face situations we want to get out of. Many people bounce around looking for answers to their health, relationships, career, finances, family and or spiritual issues not understanding that they are more than their bodies and inherited characteristics.

I know I have.

Many years ago I hit a wall that I didn’t even know existed and my world collapsed in seconds.

I was at a health club, walking from the steam room to sit on the same bench I had sat on for years. Only this time, the bench had been removed, put back and not nailed down. As I sat down, it flipped me, hit my head and my spine and I instantly knew my life as I knew it was over.

That day I did something drastic. As I lay in the emergency room staring at the ceiling I wondered why this had happened. Suddenly, a key appeared and a door opened in my mind where there had been no door before. One thought emerged. It haunted me. “Your thoughts and images create reality.”

It was then that I decided to really let go, trust and apply Spiritual Principles beyond the ills, limitations and challenges of this world.

Letting go is not giving up. It’s the only way to move forward.

I realized that I couldn’t hold on to the anger, grief, and sadness that was weighing heavy on my heart, and expect to manifest right results, live fully, freely, harmoniously and abundantly.

I wondered, “who am I in this skin that is holding my body together”?

In order to expand my awareness of the Infinite Causative Mind, Omnipresence, All Power, Energy Intelligence and my multidimensionality, I knew my mental and emotional household had to be put in order.



By consciously using Universal Law, Imagination for solutions and Energy Clearing of my Field, the “ways and the means” appeared allowing me to begin to release everything that bound me to the “wheel of struggle and strife”.

I asserted the supremacy of my health image over my warring beliefs and challenge.

Thus began my journey of awakening to align with the Source of All That Is, true knowing, the answer to every question and the fulfillment of every need. While descending into a living hell, I took my first steps onto the Awakened Awareness Freedom Path and never looked back.


My image was to live, leverage new States of Consciousness, foster intuition, take right action, experience a true transformation and feel the freedom that is my Spiritual Inheritance.

Inwardly something shifted.

I began to move towards the Light of Truth. The way out of mental bondage, toxic beliefs, lack, limitation, unhappiness, the opinions of others, ignorance and superstition of 3D reality slowly emerged.

THE INVISIBLE ENERGY FIELD: Evolving Toward Unheralded Power

I did not suddenly “arrive” at an uplifted state of mind. With each Energy Clearing, Image Re-patterning and Spiritual Mind Treatment session I moved beyond the self-doubt that enslaved me for so long.

With each step forward my harmonization with the Prime Mover of the Universe becomes more pronounced. It unfolds in real time, manifesting dreams, taking care of conditions and situations that need resolving or dissolving.

Soon word of mouth spread and more people found me. Each individual wanting to amplify their potential, clear Energy Fields, re-pattern the subconscious mind, and experience the transformative effects of Cosmic Substance.

My objective now is to continue to help individuals like you and to participate in the elevation of consciousness on a global scale.

I nurture seekers, like you, in the “laboratory of Imagination” promoting harmony and balance through understanding and application of the Law of Cause and Effect, (“if you plant corn, you don’t get tomatoes”). Applying Ancient Life Flows can assist in replenishing natural energetic rhythms that open gateways to higher emotional frequencies — so that living in present moment awareness as empowered human beings is effortless.

Today I am handing you the same key.

No matter what kind of difficulty you are encountering, whether it’s relatively minor, or something more serious, there is a path of healing. You see, the greatest secret in the world is that the Realm of the Wondrous is within each and every one of us: Infinite Intelligence, Invincible Protection, Boundless Wisdom, Luminous Glowing Light, Perfect Love and the solution to every challenge.

Fearless Progress: A Way Out of Life’s Challenges

Whatever the appearances of obstacles are to your fearless progress, if you indulge them, they can become tyrants, i.e., mental stones piled one onto another leaving you feeling stuck, stalled or stagnating in your life.

World of the Wondrous: Winged Victory

If you are interested in self-growth, Awakened Awareness, the Art of Conscious Manifestation, the Power of Imagination, the application of Universal Laws, Abundant, Harmonious Living or if you aspire to rise above your “Mind Net” of stored erroneous beliefs, inherited or acquired judgments, miss guided perceptions, and unresolved discordant emotions, you can choose to enter into the Spiritual Dimension, The Realm of the Wondrous (into Worlds of New Thought).

You can emerge from an extended period of ignorance and darkness and experience a new dimension of existence. You can transform energy, evolve awareness and shift into a harmonious State of Being, by consciously using the Power of your I AM Victorious Presence that speaks to you with the Voice of Liberation.

Tell me:

  • Are you feeling stuck on the runway of life? Are you suffering from lack of self-esteem? Are you harboring frustration toward a friend or loved one? Are you having relationship, financial or health challenges? Are you willing to live your entire life searching for answers and healing outside of your self?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, congratulations on telling the truth. Now, Is that going to be you from this moment forward?

Rest assured, it is normal and natural for you to seek a life filled with more joy, fulfillment, abundance and conscious control over the thought-forms, habits, and energy frequencies that currently drive you. It is possible for you to begin to advance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially and energetically now.

  • Are you ready to expand your awareness, move forward in your business and become a great success, receive a transfusion of confidence, discipline your mind to attract money, experience harmonious relationships, and live a fuller, richer, happier, healthier and wonderful life?

Have you ever wished that you could create the world you wanted to live in, instead of the world you live in now?

It’s possible. You can become a conscious manifestor, who can attract amazing possibilities into your life.

Take a breath and take a break from what everyone else is doing.

You’ve come to the right place. You have a rare opportunity to learn from a street smart spirit wise, authentic and proven facilitator of Spiritual Principles and Energy Healing who has dedicated her life to spreading the word that all healing is spiritual healing. Energy can be used as medicine for your body, mind, soul and spirit.

Now, get ready for your mind to move beyond your current paradigm and discover the secrets, potential and transformational power of your Imagination.

Nothing will ever be the same!

You can address the underlying energy that could be causing an unwanted effect. You can shed the emotional baggage of the past, imagine prosperous results and embrace the present with new energy and insight.

  • You can get unstuck

  • Replace worry with possibilities

  • Discover harmonious futures

  • Live each day with greater focus and more joy

  • Increase the abundance in every area of your life

  • Connect with the Cosmic Energizer: the Miracle Power of the Universe

Instead of worrying, gossiping, complaining and rehashing what isn’t working, you can become an Imaginario, an Imagination Master and start shifting your reality and realizing your dreams.

Imagination: The Secret Door to Your Success

All the possible revolution mind-expanding ideas you are about to feast while exploring my website and work are based on proven and entirely practical principles.

I invite you to allow me to guide you on unleashing your intuitive powers and manifesting your heart’s desires. My work provides you with knowledge for gaining promotions, amassing wealth, experiencing harmonious relationships, strengthening the bonds of a loving marriage, clearing trauma wounds and discordant energies, conquering phobias, banishing toxic habits and low-frequency emotions, enjoying refreshing sleep, relaxation, and even healing ailments.

Developing Discernment

Each of us can step up to self-mastery and move into a new dimension of personal happiness and fulfillment whereby we are no longer bound by the constraints of this 3D world. My work demonstrates step-by-step how you can thrive spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, professionally, financially, and socially.

Sessions with Melissa

My sessions offer you simple truths for dealing with the unfinished business of the past, healing and stepping into a brighter future.

I offer a range of services, and tailor my sessions to your needs:

If you have an open mind, a receptive heart, and a desire to heal and move forward in a natural way, this work is for you.

The Infinite Cannot Fail

I continue to stop identifying myself with the world of effects in order to break mental and emotional bondage to lack, illness, limitation and the past.

The force of life is Infinite; and you are saturated with this Life Force energy that constitutes your Higher Self. Your higher mind is your link with the Realm of the Wondrous.

The Infinite Cannot Fail — and neither can you.

What you imagine you become, what you feel you attract.

Melissa Zollo Ph.D