Present Moment Awareness

Conscious Manifestation: Imagining Creates Reality

Rise into the Realm of the Wondrous: Connect with Higher States of Consciousness and Live in the Now


Present Memory logo by Melissa Zollo

It’s serendipity that you have found me, Melissa Zollo and my site,

Tell me: Are you stuck on the runway of life? Are you suffering from lack of self-esteem? Are you harboring frustration toward a friend or loved one? Are you having relationship, financial or health challenges? Are you seeking a life filled with more joy, fulfillment, and conscious control over the thought-forms, habits, and energy frequencies you live by? Or are you searching for greater self-awareness?

Have you ever wished that you could create the world you wanted to live in, instead of the world you live in now?

It’s possible. You can become a conscious manifestor, who can attract amazing possibilities into your life.

Take a breath and take a break from what everyone else is doing.

You’ve come to the right place.

Now, get ready for your mind to move beyond your current paradigm and discover the secrets, potential and transformational power of your Imagination.

Nothing will ever be the same!

You can shed the emotional baggage of the past, imagine prosperous results and embrace the present with new energy and insight.

  • You can get unstuck

  • Replace worry with possibilities

  • Discover harmonious futures

  • Live each day with greater focus and more joy

  • Increase the abundance in every area of your life

  • Connect with the Cosmic Energizer: the Miracle Power of the Universe

Instead of worrying, gossiping, complaining and rehashing what isn’t working, you will become an Imaginario, an Imagination Master and start shifting your reality and realizing your dreams.

This website is a roadmap to achieving personal fulfilment, overcoming lack, self-limitation, and becoming fully alive to love and living a full, rich, rewarding life — calling upon the Great Power of the Universe, the Eternal Life Force, that acts on your bidding and leads you to an Awakened Awareness and the Cosmic Path to Fulfillment.

Imagination: The Secret Door to Your Success

All the possible revolution mind-expanding ideas you are about to feast on are based on proven and entirely practical principles. This website is a guide to unleashing your intuitive powers and manifesting your heart’s desires. It provides you with knowledge for gaining promotions, amassing wealth, experiencing harmonious relationships, strengthening the bonds of a loving marriage, clearing trauma wounds and discordant energies, conquering phobias, banishing toxic habits and low-frequency emotions, enjoying refreshing sleep, relaxation, and even healing ailments.

Developing Discernment

Each of us can step up to self-mastery and move into a new dimension of personal happiness and fulfillment. This website is for advanced seekers and for people who are beginning to search for new meaning and reality in life. The goal is to reach a level of awareness, whereby you are no longer bound by the constraints of this 3D world. My work demonstrates step-by-step how you can thrive spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, professionally, financially, and socially.

Sessions with Melissa

My sessions offer you simple truths for dealing with the unfinished business of the past, healing and stepping into a brighter future.

I offer a range of services, and tailor my sessions to your needs:

You will discover the Power of Imagination, the Power of Present Moment Awareness, the Laws of Consciousness, the Importance of Vibrational Harmony, the Healer Within, Divine Presence, How to Image First, Imaginate, Shift into New Realities and Manifest Your Dreams

We are Energy Beings…


Thoughts create reality. Feeling follows thought (attention). What you imagine you become and what you feel you attract. Think harmony; and energy follows. Think hurt; and wounds follow. You are attracting what you think and vibrate all day long. You are an attractor magnet. Your conscious mind is the “watchman at the gate”.

Imaginate — Image First. Focusing the Light of Your Awareness and Creative Imaging sets Universal Laws of Energy into motion.

We are multidimensional beings living in a sea of energy.

Our earthly aspects are a small part of who we truly are. Everything has a vibration that affects our energy flow in the NOW. Every aspect of our life either enhances or impedes our energy flow.

Truthfully speaking, the suggestions and energy of others have no power to harm you. The only power is in the reaction of your own thoughts and your feelings — how you flow your energy. Your words are your wand in action.

Hapiness with the power of your mind icon

Are you seeking new ways to deepen your self-growth, breathe new life into your experiences, expand your consciousness, access your healing potential, and grow in new and dynamic ways?


A Whole New You Is Within Reach!


By Harnessing the Power of Your Mind and Raising Your Emotional Frequency

I am committed to guiding you through your personal growth journey back to your true self, focusing on helping you become the best integrated version of yourself. I provide the tools to manifest a better life with abundance, health, happiness, greater success, balanced energy flow, and a deeper understanding that leads to self-acceptance and self-love… and eventually inner peace.

You have the power to override old stories and stay the course, not letting others do your thinking for you. With my assistance, you can develop your capacity to choose wisely. Choose life. Choose health. Choose abundance. Choose harmonious relationships. Choose happiness. Choose love.

Begin your path toward self-discovery with a one-on-one session, or sign up for courses, study groups, or Imaginars. Each is thoughtfully crafted to empower you on your quest for awakening from the power of appearances and externals towards greater self-realization, self-healing, manifestation, and living from Present Moment Awareness.

You Can Harmonize the Interpenetrating and Extending Multidimensional Body

Consciousness is the Key to Your Success, and Your Feelings Are the Secret to Your Inner Guidance System.

My approach is rooted in time-tested Ancient Wisdom and enhances personal well-being, focusing on Present Moment Awareness, and the Art of Imaging — inspiring healthier and more fulfilling physical, mental, and spiritual Beliefs (States of Consciousness) in those who embrace self-growth and learning.

Your State of Awareness, level of Consciousness, and vibrational frequency directly influence your thoughts, emotions, and overall experience of life.

Conscious Manifestation, or Present Moment Awareness, is the purposeful alignment of “inner and outer doing” with Spiritual Realization — creating true change in the way you build your world.

I can help you:

  • Activate your imagination

  • Override old stories

  • Neutralize unconscious habits

  • Reprogram your subjective mind

  • Cleanse toxic energy in your field that stands in the way of your happiness

  • Enable you to harness Universal Energy to expand awareness and manifest dreams

As we work together, you'll learn how to create from the depths of Being, empowered by the creative intelligence of the universe.  

Manifestation icon by Present Memory

Still Pondering…

Whether the force of life is Infinite; and you are saturated with this Life Force energy that constitutes your Higher Self and is your link with the entire Universe?

Ask yourself:

  • Have you lived your life in a way you desire to live it again?

  • Are you ready for a life filled with more joy, fulfillment, and conscious control over the thought-forms, habits, and energy frequencies you live by?

  • Are you wondering about the infinite possibilities hidden within the depths of your Being and how to summon answers, solutions, and right results that are rooted in Divine Activity?

  • Even with all the self-improvement you have accomplished, do you still find yourself feeling blocked, stalled, or stagnating due to discordant energy and deep-seated mental reversals?

  • Are you dreaming of cleansing, clearing, and releasing toxic feelings, discordant energy from flawed beliefs and moving forward into new mental paradigms of fulfillment?

  • Are you desiring to express yourself at your highest potential?

With Imagination and Universal Laws as your ever-present guiding companion, the greater purpose is to become more present, harmonious, and aware — to embark upon the path towards the Realm of the Wondrous and Divine Imagination.

Want to Go from Emotional Resistance to Resilience and:

  • Tell the truth.

  • Accept yourself.

  • Take responsibility for your life and your States of Consciousness.

  • Heal Trauma in the Energy Field.

  • Let go of the past. Live in the now.

  • Embrace new ways of attending to your growth and expanding your conscious awareness.

  • Nurture your Inner self-care, inner-life in the same way that you attend to your physical body.

  • Foster growth, self-awareness, and expansive engagement with your deeper Self, life, your experiences, and your relationships.

Peace of Mind comes with self-acceptance. It is not conferred by performance or achievement. It is the gift you give to yourself.

You Can:

  • Clear discordant emotions that cause a disruption in the body’s energy system.

  • Apply Universal Laws of Success and attract happy money.

  • Improve and experience harmonious relationships.

  • Develop discernment and speak your truth in any situation.

  • Fulfil positive expectations with the Power of Imagination.

  • Focus your mind and flow your energy to live with purpose, joy, and compassion.

  • Turn your goals and dreams into reality.

You can bring your multidimensional body, your mind, your soul, and your spirit into alignment and experience integration, not fragmentation, regulation, not deregulation.

For Those Who Seek Deeper Understanding

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with my thoughtfully crafted courses, study group, and Imaginars. Unlock your potential and awaken to a higher consciousness through a deeper understanding of Ancient Wisdom and modern techniques.

My holistic approach offers a comprehensive learning experience, guiding you through the interconnectedness of the Art of Imaging, the Imaginal Dynamic, the Power of Imagination, Universal Truth Principles, The Laws of Consciousness and Manifestation, Present Moment thinking, Energy Clearing, Spiritual Healing, Ancient Life Flows, the Power of Intuition, and the Realm of the Wondrous.

Discover the transformative power of conscious manifestation.

My personalized 1:1 sessions, study groups, Imaginars, and products are designed to support your well-being in all areas of life: health, success, wealth, relationships, and career.

Ready to begin? Start your journey of self-discovery.

Imagine. Feel. Transform. Receive.

Melissa Zollo Ph.D
Intuitive Mentor

"I am a street smart Spirit Wise signpost pointing people back to themselves."